Start from the beginning

A while later she stepped back into the house out of breath and closed the door behind her. Connor was sitting in the living room with Lucas in his arms watching TV and looked up at Julia. "You're pushing yourself too hard."

"Am I?"

"You really don't need to be superwoman to be in the navy."

"Well I have got to stay fit and in shape for when I need it."

She walked up to the kitchen to make herself a protein shake in the blender that stood on the counter and gulped down the concoction of berries, bananas and whey powder.

"And when are you going to start eating properly. You're starving yourself Julia. You can't continue living of shakes all the time. Seriously, it's not healthy."

"Yes doctor Levine. I just had a baby. You know babies make you pick up weight and I still have a lot to lose." 

"No way you don't." 

"Oh yes way I do." 


Mike Slattery who was now Chief of Naval Operations was talking to his wife on the phone. She was at home with the baby and still on maternity leave, taking a break from her duties as Secretary of Foreign Affairs. "We can't wait to have you back in the office Jolene."

She chuckled. "I don't miss the place at all."

"Do you miss me?"

"Maybe. Just a tiny little bit."

"Oh okay. I get what you're saying," Mike teased her over the phone. "You don't miss me at all. Guess it's time to look out for someone else who will miss me when I'm gone," Mike teased.

"Mike don't you dare. By the way, is that CNO of yours still such an ogre?" Jolene asked with a chuckle. 

"Some say he's even worse," Mike said with a smile. "But you know him very well, so you should know." 

Mike was just done talking and put the phone down giving a chuckle when Tom walked into his office. "Morning Mike."

"Tom, good morning."

"How's Jolene and the baby?"

"Can't be better. She just told me she cannot wait to be back next week. By the way you and Sasha are invited for dinner tonight if you would like to come over."

"I think I'll take a rain check for now. Maybe next time. I heard Julia is back in the navy," Tom said with a hint of a smile on his face and his hands on his hips.

"If you must know, that wasn't me."

"I know Mike," Tom replied with a smile. "As long as she doesn't overstep her boundaries I guess all is well."

"Believe me she won't, because she got the lecture of a lifetime from me. Plus she's married now and her husband is in the navy too."

Tom frowned. "Do I know him?"

"It's Connor Levine."

"And her baby?"

"Lucas is six months old already. Time flies."

"She's not planning on having any more kids?"

"I don't think so. She made it pretty clear she doesn't want to go through that torture again pretty soon. I don't blame her."

Tom chuckled. "Well, I just came to check in and see how you were doing. You haven't met our new Secretary of Defense yet?"

"No. I heard it's a woman. Good luck with that."

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