Episode 2 - Test x Of x Tests

Start from the beginning

"Look." The captain points, "See that big cedar tree on the hilltop?"

A large hilltop is shown with a cedar tree on top.


"You should make your way there first." The captain says, "It's a shortcut to the exam site."

A large-nosed person is shown, walking behind a box as he hears Gon speak, "A shortcut? Got it! So, I just need to head for that tree! I'll do that, Captain! Thanks!"

"Best of luck!" The captain winks, oblivious to the person spying on the two's conversation. 

"Yep! Same to you!" Gon runs off, turning around and star-jumping as he farewells the captain, "Take care!"

Leorio snorts, "The young are so energetic!"

"Wow, finally admitting you're old, Leorio?" Killua pokes his tongue out before laughing childishly.

"Ehh? Being energetic is good, though, Leorio!" Gon says, bouncing up and down from his seat, simultaneously causing Killua to bounce as well, "It means that I can be positive and share my happy energy with others!"

Kurapika smiles at Gon's "happy energy", "Indeed. Gon's energy is what made me decide to be friends with him after all."

"Yeah, yeah." Leorio says, "Whatever you say." However, he still smiles at the joy and child-like nature which radiates of the two youngest.

'I'm really glad you two are still so energetic. After everything you guys have gone, through at such a young age.' 

As if hearing Leorio's thought, Kurapika nudges him and smiles, "We're so lucky to be friends with them."

Leorio returns Kurapika's smile, "Yeah. Yeah, we really are." 

'Rest easy, Ging.' The captain thinks, 'Your son has grown into a respectable young man."

The large-nosed man is then shown smirking before walking off.

Kurapika sighs, "Oh joy."

"Tch. I hope he knows what's coming for following us and thinking he could get the better of us." Leorio says.

"Don't be rude, Leorio." Gon chides, although he does frown upon recalling what happened.

"Huh...That's strange." Leorio says as the three observe the large map in front of them.

"Why?"Gon asks, turning to Leorio.

"According to the notice I received, the exam is supposedly being held somewhere in Zaban City." Leorio points to a spot on the map, "Right now, we're here. That tree is in the opposite direction." He moves his hand from the tree to Zaban city.

"Perhaps you misheard him?" Kurapika asks.

Gon shakes his head, "No, he told me to head towards that cedar tree." 

"I see..." Kurapika says thoughtfully.

"And this notice isn't any help!" Leorio grumbles, "Where exactly in Zaban City are we meant to go?"

"Our task is to find the exam site, using a limited amount of information." Kurapika says, "Just another test before we'll be allowed to take the Hunter Exam."

"I-I knew that..." Leorio shouts, a sweat drop on the back of his head, "I already knew that!"

"Sure you did," Kurapika mutters.


"Anyway, I'll go have a look." Gon says, "The captain must have had a reason to suggest that."

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