☁ How To Tame Frizz ☁

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♛ Use the right products. Avoid silicones (anything that ends in - xane or - cone)

♛ Don't wash your hair too often. Twice a week maximum, even if your hair is oily. Oily hair is usually just over washed. 

♛ Shampoo with warm water and rinse out conditioner with cold water. Use a gel, mousse, or cream on the ends of your hair. 

♛ Fine hair should use a mousse, medium hair a gel or cream, and thick hair a gel and cream. Do a deep condition. 

♛ Mix 1 tbsp of your conditioner with 1 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp olive or coconut oil and leave it in for 20 minutes. 

♛ Apply all of your hair products to soaking wet hairAlways use a microfiber towel or cotton t shirt to dry your hair, blow dry it all the way. 

♛ Even a small amount of water can cause frizz. Use a dryer sheet for touch upsInstead of brushing your hair, detangle it when it's wet and covered in conditioner. You can use your fingers, and tangle teaser, or a wide toothed comb. 

♛ Avoid heat styling on your hair. If you must, use a heat protectant. 

♛ Sleep on a silk pillowcase and sheets.

 ♛ Use an oil instead of hair spray. Hair spray contains alcohols that dry out your hair, causing even more frizz. 

♛ Use a hydrating, smoothing shampoo.

♛  Avoid touching your hair

♛ Sleep with your hair in a pineapple, topknot, or braids

♛ Use a frizz-fighting serum on wet hair.

 ♛ Use a diffuser when blow drying.

 ♛ Look for a shampoo with glycerin high on the ingredients list. Use a leave-in conditioner when you work out since the sodium in sweat dehydrates your hair.

♛  If you use a hairbrush, use a boar bristle one right before you wash your hair.

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