☀ Relationships ☀

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                                                      What Makes A Healthy Relationship ~

♡ Trust:
This is an obvious one! Trust is the foundation of relationships. No trust no healthy relationship.


♡ Arguments:
As much as you may not want to hear that, arguments are healthy!! This being said arguing all the time isn't too healthy but one little argument here and there is vey healthy!!

♡ Loyalty:
Another obvious one! If your significant other isn't loyal to you they're not your significant other, simple as that. Loyalty can also mean having the others back while they're not around.

♡ Honesty:
Simple one yet again! Honestly is one of the main components in any relationship.

♡ Boundaries:
It's very important to set up boundaries in a relationship. Simply letting the other person in the relationship know that you won't go past a certain point/know not to push you into doing something that's out of bounds.

♡ Equal Love: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
If the love in a relationship isn't equal/mutual It 👏🏼 Isn't 👏🏼 A 👏🏼 Healthy 👏🏼 Relationship 👏🏼! Both partners should love each other equally/Not one obviously more than the other. This personally is the biggest deal in any relationship in my opinion.

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