☀ Tips For Better Sleep ☀

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◯ Find out how many hours do you need This is very important. For example, I need around 10 - 11 hours while my friend needs almost 7. Adjust your bedtime to the hours of sleep you need, no earlier not later as that can result in waking up in the middle of the night or not getting enough sleep. 

◯ Morning/Night person Another important detail. Are you happier in the morning or in the evening? When are you the most productive? If you are a morning person, try to go to bed as early as possible and you can wake up early. Night person can stay awake longer and sleep longer. However, be careful because sleep before midnight is the most important.

◯ Get stuff ready for tomorrow An hour or so before bedtime I get stuff ready for the next day. I plan tomorrow and I put my books in the bag. I prepare an outfit and make snacks and sometimes even lunch for tomorrow. All this makes me go to bed less stressed and sometimes even excited.

◯ No screens Blue light and science stuff... Screens are not really good for you before bed because it makes you more awake. I turn everything off an hour before bed.

◯ Read -Reading actually makes me sleepier and it's a calm enough activity to slow you down a bit.

◯ Stretch -You loosen your muscles after a long day and clear out your head a bit. If you don't feel like moving, meditation also works well.

◯ Music It has been scientifically proven music with words negatively affects your sleep. If you like to have music while you sleep aim for some wordless piano/calming music

◯ No coffee, black tea, green tea, Or caffeine!  I don't drink coffee however I love tea. These drinks can keep you awake. Try chamomile tea or even warm milk helps.

◯ Self-care Evenings are a great time for self-care. A warm bath or shower can be very relaxing! A face mask or just any skincare can be quite calming as well. 

◯ Let some fresh air into the room It has been proven that our bodies are able to sleep better in a colder room rather than a hot room

Of course, if you've been having serious sleep problems for some time, you should definitely visit a doctor! 

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