Happily Ever After... Never

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"St. Clair you'd better remove that hand from her or I'll put a bullet through your head," growled Malachai. Nick sighed in annoyance, getting of me he stepped away from Malachai who still held the gun pointed at his skull.

"Malachai, stop. Leave it alone. Let's just go back to Riverdale," I pleaded, rushing to his side. 

"Not until this mother fucker gets what he deserves." His tone was very territorial as Nick looked at him, a smug grin crept into his features.

"You will not survive a war with me. And you," said Nick, point to me, "You could have been queen of this city, it's really a pity you decided to trust your loyalty to someone who would cut you up like a piece of paper." Malachai glanced back at me as I froze. "That's right I know all about what you did to her Malachai."

"Nick, I swear to god we had a few drinks before you drugged me, and then everything came out," I yelled.

"Enough to where you were completely wasted and then I took you back to my room," said Nick smirking. 

"What?" asked Malachai, his anger growing.

"Nick drugged me then decide, 'oh it would be fun to have sex with a girl I just met'. I didn't consent to any of that," I said. 

"Angelica, we're leaving before I blow this guy's head off." 

"Wait," I said, moving in between Malachai and Nick. "Nick I trusted you you not only drugged me took advantage of me and then proceeded to ,what was it, offer me everything? even after I rejected you in a clear state of mind you still persisted to try make me your property. Lay claim to me like you do with half New York City."

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath in, "You both hurt me more than almost anyone else. I don't think even after what it happened between you and me, Malachai, today on the roof I don't think that I'm ready to be as close as we were, not right now, at least. As for you, Nick, you'll never stop me from leaving this city and you won't hurt Veronica or Cheryl or anyone I care about anymore."

Nick smirked "Do you really think that I'm just going to let you go because the chase is so fun but the prize is it better. I will kill Veronica and Betty had all of your Southside and Northside friends in Riverdale, but I won't if I get you for one night. On top of that I won't cut off my business deal with your boyfriend. One night, princess, one night and I'll let you go."

"No, Angelica. I will not let you do that. I have a gun I will shoot this guy right now, the only reason I'm not is because you're talking to him. Rest assure the second you tell me I can, I will kill him, I will blow his brains out. He's at a disadvantage here, he  can't ask you for anything," Malachai said, holding the gun straight at Nick's head.

"Honestly it all comes down to a choice. If you choose me and you won't have to risk his wrath, if you choose him then you will have to face not only his wrath, his violence, and his territorial instinct but also you'd be leaving the city of your dreams. I know you left because of what I did to you, but trust me it won't happen again," purred Nick, coming closer to me.

"Why should I have to choose either of you? If anything I should be going back to Riverdale back to my boyfriend or finding someone else both of you are toxic people. Every experience that I've ever had with you two hasn't been good. Except Malachai, because before that night last year I was happy  I was in love with you. I don't think that will ever change but I think the best thing for me right now it's love you from a distance. Nick what the hell kind of offer is that you were worse that Malachai was to me I will never choose You over him. So given the choice between the two of you I'll go with Malachai, it doesn't mean I'll stay with him, it just means that I actually love him instead of loving the sex involved which is all you care about, Nick," I snapped.

"You're wrong, you know, I could have made you a queen in the city.  We could have been the rulers on thrones made of gold. Instead you decide to go with this monster that can't even listen to his own girlfriend's pleads and cries for help so go I'll give you one hour to get out of this city. If you aren't out of this city and that hour I will hunt you down if I find you you belong to me," growled Nick. Fear flashed over my face.

Malachai grabbed my hand and he ran pulling me behind him. Through the busy crowds, the lights of the city east lit up the dark sky. We rushed back to the hotel, he pulled me up the several flights of stairs, instead of waiting for an elevator. He didn't let go of my hand until we had reached the room safely.

"Malachai slow down," I said, gripping my wrist nervously. He threw what little items we had brought to New York City in the suitcase.

"No, you heard what that bastard said. We're going back to Riverdale," he said, grabbing my arm in one arm and the bag in his other hand.

"I can walk on my own," I said. We climbed into a car waiting outside the hotel. We sat in the back seat of the car as a sped through the crowded streets after New York we had a limited amount of time to get out and traffic is terrible as always this is why we tried to walk wherever we could. The panic started to settle in my body as I could feel the seconds the minutes going by.

Arrest in my head on Malachai shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist. This was not going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination. I just hope that we could get out in time.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment if you did, and you want me to write more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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