Between Life and Death Is Insane

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I woke up with a pounded headache. I sat up. I was in a bed, a black, fourposter bed in a dark room, there were no windows and the only light came fom a dim lamp next to the bed. It took a moment to asse my surroundings, then I noticed Malachai leaning agaist the wall watching me. I stared back at him, unsure what to say. 

"Angel, glad to see you're finally awake, I didn't think that mixture was that potant," he said.

"How long was I out?" I mumbled.

"Two days, two solid days," he said, coming near me. I rose to my feet, we were inches apart.

"Where's my jacket?" I asked. I notice it hanging on one of the bed posts, grabbed it and slipped it over my shoulders, it fit like a glove, "How have you been without me?" A grin spread over his lips.

"Angel, I'm am so glad you're back," said Malachai, about to kiss me. 

I held a finger to his lips, and smirked, "You didn't think it would be that easy did you? After what you put me through to get here, you aren't getting me that easy."

"There's the Angelica I remember," he said, running his hands up the sides of my waist.

"Not quiet," I said, removing his hands from my body, "We'll do what I want and maybe I'll let you take control of me."

"I can't wait," he said. 

"So they really believe I'm dead?" I asked, referring to my friends.

Malachai grinned, "Your funeral's tomorrow. I was thinking about making a special appearance."

"I can't imagine you in a suit or in anything that covered your chest, concerning the only times I've seen you with a shirt was at the drag race and in prison," I said, running my hand down his chest to his abs and back up.

"Well only for you," he said, catching my hand in his and kissing it.

"I'm still surprise how nice you can be to me even after you've threatened me, hurt me, and killed someone," I told him.

"I am one of many talents, and Jughead isn't dead," said Malachai.  

"He isn't?" I said in surprise, remembering his bloodied corpse, limbs slanted at unnatural angles.

"No, he managed to survive," said Malachai, disappointed, "I shoulda put a bullet through his head when I had the chance."

"Did you get rid of my clothes that I kept here?"" I asked.

"No. The Serpents still believe that the Drug Lab is the House of the Dead," he said, chuckling.

"They never thought you'd hide on the Northside," I said.

"Angel, how about we leave get out of Riverdale for a while?" said Malachai.

"Where did you have in mind ?" I asked. 

"Well I was thinking California or New York, you decide." he said.

"You know me way to well," I said, grinning at him, "But, you also know I love the city."

"New York it is," he declared, wrapping his arms around me. 

I laughed, "I think I really need to go back to that therapist."

"And leaving me, never," he said. 

"That's why I left, to get away from you and Penelope sent me to a asylum in New York," I said, memories coming back to me.

"She did what?!" yelled Malachai, getting angry, fast, "You mean to tell me that she was a reason you disappeared, she put you in a mad house!"

I backed away from him, slowly, "Yes, that's just about what happened." 

Malachai punched the frame of the bed, sending cracks spinning up it. He threw his fist at the wall next, leaving an indent, "I'm going to kill her." 

I ran into his arms, pulling his face down I kissed him. His arms relaxed the glare melted from his face, "Malachai calm down, please."

He smiled at me, "I'm fine, I won't let anyone ever put you back there. Angel I love you too much to lose you."

"I can't love a man that's dead inside," I said, bitterly.

Malachai took my hand in his and placed it on his chest, over his heart, "I'm not dead yet, I will do everything I can to make you love me, even if it means I have to get down on my knees and beg." 

"What do you want me to say? That I'll love you till I die, I'll be right by your side forever, I can't fall back in love with you. You've become a monster," I told him, letting my hand fall.

"Oh I'm a monster ? Maybe you should speak to me more respectively. Monsters can be dangerous when provoked," he said. 

"And I'm a girl with a mental issue, I can be deadly when provoked," I said, twisting his words around.

"Darling, trust I remember, you were insane just like I am," he said. 

"Was," I said.

"Tell me the worst thing you've ever done," he asked.

"I fell in love with you," I snapped.

"I walked right into that didn't I," he laughed.

"Yes you did. I have a question, how long do you plan on keeping me locked up here?" I asked.

"I told you we're going to get out of Riverdale for awhile," said Malachai.

"I mean away from you " I said.

"Then don't expect to leave anytime soon, until I can ensure you'll come back," he said.

"That's fair, I probably wouldn't come back," I said, truthfully.

"I know you too well," said Malachai, "I'm glad you're here with me, even if it's not willingly." 

"I told you if you just let me go and didn't force things, I might've come back," I reminded him.

'I'm not willing to take even the smallest chance of losing you," said Malachai.

"So you said something about New York..." I said quickly, changing the subject. 

He grinned, "There's a car waiting outside."

Angels Fall  *A Riverdale Fan Fiction*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz