The Day I Left

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"Angel," Malachai called from behind the door of my bedroom. 

"Just a second, babe," I yelled back, slipping a crop top over my head. I grabbed the studded jacket off the chair and slipped my arms through the sleeves. I opened the door to be met with his lips on mine, I closed my eyes as the kiss deepened and I taste his air in my mouth. I wrapped my hands around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair as he pushed me against the wall. He hands went to my exposed waist and he tugged at the hem of my shirt.

I broke away my breathing was heavy, "Malachai don't we have to go to the House of the Dead." I was still inches away from his lips, our bodies were pressed up against each other. 

He groaned, stroking my hair and his other hand was on the side of my neck, his rings felt familiar on my skin, "I suppose we should."

"Then you'll have to get off me," I said, my hands running from the back of his neck down his bare chest.

"I don't want to you must know that," Malachai said, staring at me.

"I know, neither do I but, you have a responsibility," I murmured. 

Malachai stepped back, "I suppose. We'll finish this later." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we walked down the hall and toward the door. The sunlight made my flinch as we stepped outside. I climbed into his black Volvo.

"Babe?" I asked. 

"Yes," he said, speedy down the back roads of town.

"You know I love you right," I said, placing my hand over his.

"Of course. I love you too," Malachai said, looking over to me.

"I'm just making sure," I said, smiling.

"So there wouldn't happen to be a reason, would there?" he teased.

"Of course not, but I was wondering about that new recruit, what's his name again," I asked.

"Henry Green, just a new kid that just got out of high school," Malachai said, pulling into the garage of the House of the Dead. I got out of the car and walked around the front of the car to meet him, his hand instinctively went around my waist. "Now I get to ask you something," he said as we walked through the building. 

"What could you possibly not know about me?" I said. 

"Why do you love me?" Malachai asked.

"Do I need a reason?" I replied.

"You could be with virtually anyone else. Your beautiful, smart, you have fire racing through your veins, and yet you decide to be with me," he said.

"You never tried to tame my fire not once, instead you let me be who I am, and you always let me do what I want and you never object to my crazy ideas. One more thing, you wouldn't hurt me, you wouldn't put yourself  in a position to lose me," I told him, stopping before the door.

"I promise, you will never be subject to my wrath," Malachai asked, opening the door for me and we walked inside.

Ghoulies were crowded in the room, some at the bar some on the couches, but they all stopped when Malachai and I walked in the room. Malachai sat down in a black chair, and beckoned me to come over to him, with a smirk on his face. It was almost as if an invisible force was dragging me toward him. I smiled at him me as I sat down on his lap and placed a kiss on his lips. 

"Well, I'd say that it's been a successful few months," he declare to the crowd of Ghoulies. Whoops and hollers erupted from the mass. "And," he yelled, the room was silenced again, "I'm happy to announce our brand new member, Henry Green." A strong looking man stood up as Malachai called his name. He was blonde with shaggy hair, brown eyes centered a handsome face, and he stared directly at me, cause my gaze to drop to Malachai once again.

"Thank you, Malachai, it's a honor being part of something like this," Henry said, with a strong, deep voice.

"Good luck to you," said Malachai.  the crowd stirred once again and this time no one stopped it. I got up and Malachai caught him wrist in his hand, "Where are you going?" 

"I'll be back in a few minutes, " I said, bending down to kiss him. 

"Fine," he said, disappointed, as he let go of my wrist. I walked back into the hall way. I didn't notice Henry follow me. I headed toward Malachai's office, pushing the door open I sat down at his desk, I closed my eyes trying to silence the swarming voices in my head.

"Now what's a hot girl, like you, doing a by herself in an empty room?" asked someone. My eyes flew open to see Andrew standing in the door way.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, highly annoyed.

"I saw the way you were looking at me in there," he said, closing the door and moving toward where I was sitting.

"Look I don't know what your thinking but, I love Malachai and I would never cheat on him for anyone," I said.

"Are you quite sure?" Henry asked, running a hand up my thigh.

I slapped his hand away but he still hovered over me, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Giving you exactly what you want," he breathed in my ear. The heat on my neck made me shiver.

"Get out, I don't want whatever you have to offer," I said trying to get up but he harshly pushed me back. I slammed against the plush backing of the chair. Henry slammed his mouth against mine. I push against his chest, he wouldn't budge.

I heard the door open. "What the fuck?" Malachai yelled. Henry was pulled off me and I watched as Malachai beat the shit of him until blood stained the carpet. Then I saw the knife in his hand as he turned toward me, "You little whore." He pinned me to the chest and pressed the knife to my stomach. I screamed in agony as he craved the words into my skin. I couldn't see the man I loved anymore, I could only see the bloodlust in his eyes. He got off me and walked toward the door. I collapse on the floor.

"Malachai, I hope you know, I didn't want him to do that," I said, tears streaming from my eyes, as I looked up at him, pressing a hand to my bleeding stomach.

"I bet you don't now," he said, his voice never sounded so cold. Malachai turned and left the room, leaving me and the corpse alone in his study.

 I wiped the tears from my face and struggled to get on my feet, I stumbled to the bathroom across the hall. I threw open the cabinet and grabbing a cloth pad and medical tape. I washed out the cut. I sobbed when I read the words, Malachai's Property. I placed the cloth over the wound and taped it down. I washed the mixed of blood and tears off my face and left the House of the Dead I walked back to Thornhill. I climbed into my white convertible and drove out of town. 

I didn't know where I was going, only that I didn't plan on coming back anytime soon.

A/N: Thank you all for reading! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed! Sorry for the delay in updates and thank you for 1.2k reads on this story.

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