Dancing In New York

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*4 Hours Later*

Malachai led me into our hotel room. One bed. One freaking bed. I was going to kill him. "Really Malachai, was this really nessary?" 

"Yes it was," said Malachai, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I tried prying his arms off of me, but his grip was too strong, "Let go of me."

"Not going to happen, angel," he murmured in my ear then proceeded to plant kisses down my neck. I groaned in frustration. Malachai spun me around to face him and gently placed a kiss on my lips. 

"What are we going to do this weekend anyway?" I asked, "Since you've made it clear that I'm not going to be alone at all."

"I don't want to leave you for a second, but unfortunately this isn't just a recreational trip. I have to meet with someone tonight at a party," said Malachai.

"I'm going with you then," I told him.

"No, you aren't," him said.

"Then neither are you, I'll give you one chance to win me back, alright? If you can't do that by the end of the day then you let me go, let me leave," I said.

"You shouldn't make a bet that you can't win, angel," said Malachai, leering at me, "If I win you stop fight me." 

"I thought that was implied," I said. 

"Deal," said Malachai.

"Then why are we still here," I asked," Shouldn't you be taking me on a date or something?" Malachai just stared at me then picked me up in his arms. "Malachai put me down," I said, laughing as he spun me around. 

He set me down, "Let's go." Malachai started walking toward the door.

"Malachai put a shirt on and lose the jacket," I said, slipping my own jacket off my shoulders.

He gave my a cocky grin, "Fine, anything for you, angel."

Part of me melted when he said 'angel' there was no bitterness hidden behind his tone for once, it was genuine, real. I watched him pull off his jacket and cover his perfect chest with a black t-shirt from the suitcase. I didn't realized I was staring, until he caught me watching him and smirked at me. I blushed and quickly looked away. 

"Ready?" he asked, holding a hand out me. I rolled my eyes and laced my fingers between his. We walked out of our room and the expensively decorated lobby. I watching the city come alive as we passed through the frosty glass doors. Busy crowds of people rushed by and cabs and cars where constantly speedy by. 

Malachai rushed down the street and I stumbled after him, our bodies still connected through physical contact.  I laughed warm air hit my face and pulled at the hair of my braid. Malachai smiled back at me as he le me through the maze of city streets, to Central Park. 

I looked at him confused, "What are we doing here? You aren't one for nature, more like fancy restaurants and clubs."

"And how would you know? I have changed since you decided to leave," said Malachai, defensively. 

"So what have you done since I left?" I teased.

"Well," he said, leaning close to me, as if to tell me a secret, "I did business with Hiram Lodge to deal Fizzle Rocks and Jingle Jangle at his new prison. I recruited at less twenty-seven new Ghoulies. I haven't been on drugs since I lost you.  And  I love you even more than I did." 

"Wow, what great achievements," I said sarcastically. 

"Easy for you to said," he said, "I don't even know what you were busy doing."

Angels Fall  *A Riverdale Fan Fiction*Where stories live. Discover now