24 - Realisation

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The city beneath his feet is loud and roaring. One step. Just one step closer and everything will be over. There will be no pain left, no bad dreams, no problems. The wind is howling around Yoongi's face. It's bitter cold. He hates winter. He hates everything. Just one step and there will be no hate left. He leans forward, looks at the street beneath him. Maybe there is something still worth living for. Maybe it doesn't have to end like this. But then he suddenly loses his balance and before he knows it, he falls.

Yoongi's shirt is wet from sweat. His bed is moist and he breathes heavily. He hates this fucking dream. It's gotten better lately, he's not dreaming of it as often as a couple of months ago. And Yoongi figured out, that usually when this dream appears, some shit is going down. Something bad is happening.

He sits up straight and looks around. His room is pitch black. He turns sideways to look at his clock. 4 a.m. He should go back to sleep. But not before checking on the others. His dreams are usually right, he just wants to make sure that this time it's not the case. He just wants to know the others are alright.


"This little bast..." "Swearing does not help, boss." Hoseok tries to calm him down. He's the only one that really gets Yoongi. The only one who knows how to make him smile, how to calm him down.

"Do you think he went to look for them?" Jimin asks. "Maybe." Hoseok shrugs. "Maybe it's not a big deal. Maybe he was just craving some food and went shopping for groceries. Let's go back to bed." "No way." Yoongi growls. "In the middle of the night?! Jungkook never eats at night and you know it. Something's going on. My dreams are NEVER wrong. He's up to something and we gotta find him."

Hoseok and Jimin have never seen Yoongi this angry. He's not worried about Jungkook. Jungkook knows how to defend himself. He's more worried about himself and the others. If somehow the cops manage to catch Jungkook, he's gonna tell them everything. Yoongi knows it. That's why he HAS to find him. If not, Jungkook could turn all snitch on him and ruin his life.

"He is gonna regret going so much." Yoongi mumbles in a very frighting tone. Jimin shudders. He likes his boss and sometimes Jungkook does stupid stuff like this. But this time the feeling is different. "Why?" He justs asks.

"He is gonna turn snitch on us. I know I couldn't trust him. He's gonna tell everything. We have to find him before the cops do." "Jungkook would never betray us." Hoseok says in shock.

But Jimin and Yoongi just look at him with one eyebrow raised. "He hated all of this." Jimin says coldly. "He never wanted any of this, he told us often enough."

"Fuck." Hoseok screams. "This little bast..." "Swearing doesn't help Hoseok." Yoongi says. "Like I said we have to find him, NOW!  Anybody got any idea where he could be?"

Jimin and Hoseok shake their heads. "Let's load up on guns and ammo, while thinking of a plan." Yoongi walks into the living room. The room is beautifully lit by the little lamps in all corners of the room. The couches are dark and huge, all directed towards a fireplace that can turn into a TV, when the guys press the button in the armrest of the couch.

One wall is covered with bookshelves. Being a druglord needs a lot of knowledge about people, how they interact, how they think. Yoongi has read every single one of them. He approaches one of the bookshelves.

He pulls out his favorite book called "Agust D". It's about a boy reaching for the stars and betting everything on one card, just so his dreams come true. He always loved the story about little Agust. The bookshelf pushes backwards and then sidewards and gives away the huge safe-door. Yoongi enters the code 130613. The door swings open and he enters the safe.

It's filled up to the ceiling with weapons. Revolvers, machine guns, glocks everything any drug lord could wish for.

Yoongi hears Jimin and Hoseok approaching behind him. "Boss." Hoseok says sweetly. Yoongi turns around and sees that Hoseok holds up a phone. Yoongi doesn't get what Hoseok wants to show him, so he looks angry at him: "What about it?"

Hoseok smiles brightly and points at the screen. There is some sort of map and a green light on it. "My phone." Yoongi still doesn't understand and becomes more and more annoyed by this stupid puzzle. "Hoseok tell me what you want to say or else I will ram this gun into your stomach."

Hoseok holds up both his hands: "hey, hey, hey. Alright. I wanted to take my phone with me, but couldn't find it. So I asked Jimin to use the tool "Searching for my iPhone" on his phone, since we connected the two." Hoseok points at Jimin's phone again. "And?" Yoongi asks. "It's right here. Apparently I left it inside the truck yesterday. The truck Jungkook drove off with. And now we know where he is." Hoseok smiles brightly and now Yoongi does, too.

He takes Hoseoks head into his hands and kisses his forehead: "You're brilliant!"

Yoongi turns around and looks at all his little babies inside the safe.

"Let the hunt begin."

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