17 - Storage

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Jin, Namjoon and his team arrive at the site quietly. They didn't take the usual police cars. If the kidnappers are still here, they can't know that the police arrived.

They get out of the car. "You stay here, baby." Namjoon orders and Jin doesn't resist. It's way too dangerous for him out there, he knows.

Namjoon takes the gun from his belt, walks slowly and crouched over to the building. It's in the middle of the industrial area of town. A large storage hall, with a huge parking lot surrounding it.

The way Namjoon approaches the building is even better than Jin always imagined. When Namjoon first told him, he was a cop, Jin got scared. Being a cop is not an easy job and dangerous as hell. He didn't want to be anxious every day and worry about if his boyfriend comes home from work or not. Jin talked with Namjoon about his anxiety. He felt like, he'd have to tell him.

But Namjoon assured him, that he rarely get's to go out on missions, but mostly stays in the office and even if he went outside, he always got a huge team with him. They protect each other.

From that point on, Jin always imagined him out on missions, looking kinda like he does now. Not as hot to be honest and in a uniform, of course. But since they're undercover, he didn't put on his uniform.

Namjoon and his team enter the building. Jin hears some screams from inside, but they all seem to be coming from the team yelling: "Clear!"

Jin's relieved. There seem to be no bad drug lords here, who could hurt his boyfriend.

After a couple of minutes, Jin plays his favorite game "Maple Story" on his phone, Namjoon comes back to the car. "Everything's clear. No one's here. But we found y/n's gun. There's no ammo in it, tho. They must have taken it out, before leaving. We probably just missed them, but now we can be sure, that y/n was here. Do you still have the feeling Tae might have been here as well?"

Jin opens the car door and steps outside. "The feeling is still the same as before."

"Do you want to look around?" "Is it okay, if I look around a bit?" Namjoon and Jin say at the same time. They both laugh.

"Yeah, sure look around, maybe you'll find something that leads us to their next stop, or anything that might show, that Tae really was here. I'm gonna go over to the guys and talk about further steps." Namjoon leaves Jin, who ultimately starts looking around the parking lot.

His inner voice tells him, that he might find something here. After ten minutes of looking at the ground, walking around - nothing. Jin enters the building. It contains of two rooms. The first one is tiny, more like a reception and the second room is a storage unit. It's dirty, there are some shelves here and there, but aside from that it's fairly empty. Jin looks around. There has to be something. It might sound weird if he tells Namjoon this, but in this room he feels Tae's presence clearly. He was here. Jin doesn't even know why, but it just feels it.

Another ten minutes and Jin still hasn't found anything. He gives up and exits the building. He wants to head to the car, but stops. There, on the ground, two meters away from the entrance lies something on the ground.

He gets down to pick it up. An arrow head. It's not any arrow head, but an arrow head Jin has seen numerous times.

Everytime he made a bet with Tae about who's gonna win in a video game, or they arm wrestled for the bigger piece of meat. Tae always took out this arrow head and said: "You've no chance. I've got my lucky charm right here." It did not work all the time, but sometimes he let Tae win, just so he kept believing in this cute little thing.

Tae really is like a younger brother for Jin. Always happy, always smiley and clumsy. He regularly hits his hands anywhere he could possibly hit it. Jin always has to keep an eye out for his little TaeTae.

But this time, he didn't. He just left him alone. He didn't even ask, if it was okay for him, that Jin left for four days. He thought Tae is old enough and four days isn't even that long.

Well, that worked out fine. Tae is missing and it's probably, because he felt alone, because Jin left him.

Jin's eyes water up. Fuck. If anything happens to him, it's his fault. There was still a little part of him hoping. Hoping that Tae really just left town and forgot to tell Jin, maybe lost his phone, as clumsy as he is. But this little arrow head is clear evidence.

Evidence that Tae, just like y/n, was kidnapped.

"Namjoon, Tae was here. Like I said. He left this behind for us to find, I'm certain." Jin pauses and looks at his boyfriend with tears in his eyes.

"Namjoon, we gotta find him. Please."

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