23 - Arrival

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Jungkook arrives at the entrance of the hut. It's pitch black, he can't even see the hand right in front of his eyes. He takes out the keyring torch and looks around. The hut looks disastrous. It's covered in moss, the wood is moist and old.

It's nothing like it was before. The scent of happiness, of sunshine and laughter is gone. It's just a desterted hut. He shines into one of the windows. There is something on the floor... no it's someone. It's them.

Jungkook nearly screams, but he withholds it. They're naked. The two cops are lying on the floor, cuddling - naked. How? Wha? Why?


They are being hunted by dangerous drug lords and all they can think about is sex?!

But they do look kinda cute. Breathing deeply, looking happy. How can you look happy when you're on escape? He looks at them, a slight smile appears on Jungkook's face.

What a cute love story: two cops, coworkers, they may never have had any feelings for each other, but they get kidnapped, spent two whole days together and suddenly the love appears. It sounds like a great book.

Jungkook shakes his head. What are you doing dumbass? Two cops lie right in front of you. They are your hostages. What are you gonna do?

Best thing would be to threaten them with the guns and bring them back to the others. Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin would be so proud. Maybe they will stop treating him like a little child.

But what are they gonna do with the cops? Kill them? They've already killed enough people. And the cops just did their job.

What if he rescues them? What if he let's them go, what if he just turns around and pretend like this never happened? His life would continue just like before. They'll be gone once the others get to the hut. They will be free and Jungkook could go back to business.

But what business? Dealing drugs? Killing people? Being unhappy?

Is this a life worth living? Is this the life Jungkook wants? No. But it's the only one he knows. If he turns himself in, if he flees together with the cops, he'll surely land in prison.

But maybe, if he turns himself in, the sentence will be shortend. He could get in and out of prison and live a happy life, or at least try.

But Yoongi and the others would come after him. The cops would ask him all these questions about them and he would have to tell them all he knows. And then the others would hunt him down, surely. He would be a snitch. And no one likes snitches.

Maybe it's better if he just turns around, leave them be. Jungkook doesn't have a chance on a normal life. He's stuck in this shit life forever.

He turns around and in front of him stands a man just as tall as him, chin long hair, pierced ears, naked. He's got his fist up high, next thing Jungkook feels is pain and then nothing.


"Nicely done!" You say. "I didn't know you could punch like that." Tae laughs confidently. "Well of course, have you seen my biceps." He poses for you and you laugh at the silly face he does.

"So Jungkook knew where we are and this dummy came here by himself." You look down on the neatly tied up man, still unconcious from Tae's punch. You got Jungkook's two guns in your hands. Tae didn't want to take one, so you just took them both.

"What are we gonna do now?" Tae looks at you. You shrug. "Bring him to the station I guess. He left the car, we can just drive off now. And deliver him to my boss. He'll be pleased."

"No." You hear a silent voice. Tae and you look down in confusion. "Please. Let me explain." Jungkook just woke up. He probably heard what you said.

"I didn't want to hurt you. I wanted to leave you. I wanted to go back to the others, acting like nothing happened. Actually, I wanted to turn myself in. I don't want this shit life anymore."

"Yeah sure." You say sarcastically. "That's what they all say with their backs to the wall. We got you Jeon Jungkook. You can't escape now, and suddenly you want to be a good guy, just so your sentence gets shorter."

"I swear to god, that's not my intention. I don't want to be a drug dealer anymore. I don't want people to die because of me."

You're furious. He's the one responsible for people's deaths. He killed hundreds of people because of bad drugs, just for money. You dispise him.

"Wait, y/n. I think he's actually telling the truth." Tae grabs your arm. "How do you know?" You ask. "He was talking to himself, while standing outside. I waited quite some time for him to turn around, he was brabbling about turning himself in, leaving us be. I couldn't understand much, but what I heard sounded about right. But I punched him anyways, just to make sure."

"You serious?! He actually said all that before you punched him?"

Tae nods. You believe him, there is no reason why he would lie and if you look down at Jungkook with his big brown eyes, he reminds you a lot of a hurt doe.

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