"Petra! Why aren't you dressed properly?" I jogged up to her and she stopped due to exhaution. I furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't see any horse or carriage that could've brought you here. Don't tell me-"

"Yes!" She cut me off while trying to catch her breath. "If you're thinking that I ran all the way here, I did." She said in between breaths. "But now's not the time to talk about my uniform nor the distance I just ran, you need to come back at the HQ!"

"Why?" A new voice joined us. Levi finally came. I'm surprised he wasn't concerned about Petra's uniform.

She took a deep breath and slowly said, "Plue just started wheezing and maybe a heart attack. It ended after 10 minutes or so. This is just my hypothesis but, I don't think she's in coma anymore. When I started checking on her whether she was okay, I suddenly felt faint heartbeats which never had happened before."

Plue's POV

"P-please... make it stop!!" I screamed and shouted in vain. I even begged, not caring whether there was anyone who could hear my miseries.

My torturous 'twin' ever since her second visit after she had put me in this pain which, I estimatedly counted, was about 2 years ago. I really didn't want her to see me again, although, I do want her to stop this kind of madness. The strange thing was, I started to feel some steady pulses in my chest or directly to where human beings call the heart.

After what felt like an eternity, the pain finally began to reduce and I could rest for a while until the next wave comes which will be in an hour or so. It was always like this every single day I spent. It repeats like a never ending cycle. The scene, luckily, doesn't vanish for the last 2 years.

It would show me horrifying things that I guessed will happen in the future but also signs. If not the future, then it'll show the present.

The future scenes showed me a lot of things but, it doesn't connect as what had been shown previously to the next. So far, I had seen the Colossal Titan showing up at Wall Maria. Then in another scene, a titan that came out from another titan. Next, all of the soldiers of the Scouting Legion, including the Military Police Brigade, were in a court room and a young man was taken in custody. The following scenes were all what was happening in the present.

"I don't get it." I muttered. "The Colossal Titan showed up? A titan emerged out of another titan?" I sighed, thinking that I can never connect those two. Then suddenly, I came to a conclusion that the titans might've invaded again. "Nah, that can't be true, right?"

But what about the one in the court? Who was that man taken in custody? "Argh! Why are there so many things I don't know?! Was that even the future?!" I ruffled my hair in frustration. Suddenly, the scene changed and it made me look up to see what it was.

The same feminine titan that I had seen 2 years ago re-appeared and this time, it was running through the forest if giant trees. The Elite squad was there too, except that I was the one leading them and not Levi. Another man, the same one on the court, followed us while we were trying to get away from the titan using our 3DMG. Everything changed again and it showed all of the squad's deaths. I gasped in horror as my eyes widened, watching Petra get kicked towards a tree and Oluo trying to avenge her but sadly, he had the same fate and was killed on the spot. Eld and Gunther died too in the hands of the female titan.

"W-what about Farlan and Isabel?!" I questioned. As if the scene had heard me, it showed the both of them, including Levi, all safe. It made me feel assured but seeing the Elite squad's that I failed to protect made me doubt of all the soldier's safety. Surely these events were beyond the walls as titans were all around.

The scene dimmed a bit and slowly brightened up as a new situation was showed. This time, Isabel was with me inside a horde of titans surrounding us. We slashed around trying to get put and free ourselves from the jaws and claws of the titans. After sometime, we managed to squeeze through an opening between two titans. What happened next wasn't shown but a scream was heard and it sounded awfully familiar.

"Was that.. me?" I mumbled while I pulled and tucked my legs towards my chest. The scene changed back to the present, showing my lifeless body in my bedroom. I took a glance at my necklace and realized that it had fully turned into black, except one tiny red dot was glowing in one of the darkened sapphire gems. Hanji, Levi, Petra, Farlan and Isabel crowded beside my bed, talking about something I can't decipher.

I sighed and placed my chin on top of my knees. A little while later, I felt a presence just beside me and I immediately turned my head to see who it was.

She was back.

"What're you doing here?" I stood up slowly and took two steps back when she neared herself towards me. All of sudden, she was right behind me, holding both my shoulders tightly to keep myself from moving.

She then whispered to chillingly to my ear, "Prepare for your worst, Plue, and everything will return to normal."

Before I could speak, she vanished and so does the scene. All that was left in this vast darkness was me.

"Prepare for the worst?" I questioned myself. Then, I felt a pang jolt throughout my body. Voices started to fill my head, asking for help and begging to be saved from their nightmares. Each of them repeated over and over again and slowly increases every second.

I held both the sides of my head tightly while letting all of this took over me. The pain is far more worse than what I'd expected. It felt like a thousand swords and spears piercing right through your flesh repeatedly. Soon, my mind was clouded with images of people's deaths, especially the incident in Shiganshina years ago. It was just a painful and horrific thing to see and hear, but what really pained me to see them like this was that they don't deserve any of this.

None of us do.

This world, this kind of living, is just pure cruelty towards our daily lives. But beyond these walls we're caged in for over a century are places we used to have. And it's truly a beautiful place out there..

If it wasn't for the titans that lurks beyond these walls.

And for a century, all that we're asking for is freedom and revolution.

A start of a new world.

Thinking about all of this made me forget what I was experiencing now. Even though I was in pain, a smile was shown on my face and hot tears started rolling down past my cheeks.

"...smile until the bitter end..."

A/N: If some of you are confused of what The Scene is, I'll explain. 'The scene' is what connects Plue's mental mind to reality while she is in coma. It could either show her the present, what is happening in the HQ or in other places, or a fragment of the future.

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