Code red

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"Today we're going to take a trip to 1783- the year of the myth." The year of the myth? That sounds so familiar but I just don't think I know about it. I look out the window, the garden looks so pretty this time of day, when the sun is setting just before hitting the mountain. 

"The yer of the myth had all sorts of creatures-" Two nights ago the Dean almost caught me sneaking out to take a bath, Desmond saved me; I don't know how and then I wake up in my bedroom- hair undone and pajamas on, not to mention that dream- was all of that in the dream also? Why else would Ms. Dean look in our exact location but not see us at all? 

"Vampires, Mantanica's, werewolves, foreseers, even witches. Some people just formed magic powers but weren't specified as any mythical creature." My attention was drawn to the classroom door- someone standing there with blood dripping from their mouth, I squint to see if I can look at the face but I don't come to any conclusions- 

"Desmond." Cerina says. I turn to her, my heart racing, she stares at her desk, blood dripping from her nose, 

"What?" I ask her, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, revealing her white sclera, I quickly get up from my desk,

"Mr. Shon Cerina's having a seizure!" He stops what he's doing and rushes over to her, picking her up and immediately running out of the classroom. 

What did she say? Who was that at the door? 

"Don't worry she'll be okay, it happens often." I look behind me and see Jeremiah smiling. If this happens often she should have a service animal that detects seizures or something. 

Due to Cerinas seizure Mr. Shon cancelled class and sent us all to our bedrooms for the evening. I take my hair out of my braid and brush out the knots, while sitting at my vanity. Who could have thought these last couple of days here would have been like this. Did my Mother know about these people? 

Three shallow knocks abscond from my door as if they were being secretive. I slowly walk to my door, after the recent revelations I'm very cautious of who I am dealing with. I open my door and immediately burst into tears.

"Thank the skys you're okay Cerina." I hug her, who knew I'd be this close with someone here. She looks confused, like she doesn't know how or why she got here. 

"Alannah? Do you have a moment?" I nod my head move away from the entry way so she can walk into my bedroom. She looks around like she's lost something, I watch her even when she moves my things around, I'm curious and I don't want to break her concentration. Cerina has looked high and low for whatever is keeping her preoccupied. She checks under sinks, in cabinets, under the stove and even in my bathroom toilet. 

"Alright, we're all clear. We need to talk." My arms are crossed against my chest and one of my eyebrows raised, I'm incongruous about what she has to say.  

"Okay, what is all of this about?"

"I had to check for wires or even bugs, Ms. Dean is very lenient about who knows what. So I just had to make sure. Alannah, this place is crawling with 'the mythical' someone is after you, I saw it-"
"Oh come on Cerina, do you hear yourself? Your talking about things that could have possibly existed over 400 years ago." 

"Exactly, something is watching you, it's awaken, and it's hungry." 

I can't believe the things she's saying, but I can't explain the things seeing. If the things she's really saying are true then I'm crazy because there is no way this can happen. Why is that I've lived a completely normal life in michigan but once I crossed over into london we're talking about terrifying mythical creatures and other things. 

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