Chapter 6: Curiousity

Start from the beginning

 Yugi greeted, “Good morning, Yami. Are you feeling any better?”

 “No- *cough* Not really, no.” the teen responded hoarsely before he began coughing up a storm. Joey and Yugi exchanged uncertain glances, unsure if they should let Yami leave the house in his present condition. Yami looked quite ill and could barely support his weight, thus the reason why Yugi’s twin was leaning against the door for balance.

 When Yami yawned, Yugi hesitantly suggested, “Maybe you should stay home today, Yami.”

 When said teen gave him a confused look, Joey translated, “He’s saying, ‘I don’t think it would be a good thing if you passed out in class and scared the shit out of everyone.’”

 The crimson-eyed teen couldn’t help glaring at the blonde with a gaze that threatened death. Wasn’t as effective with him feeling sick and tired.

 “I didn’t need a translation, Joey.” Yami growled, causing the other to flinch. Smirking at the reaction from his friend, he consented, “If you believe that I should stay here, I will. Anything else you would like to tell me while you’re at it?”

 Joey put a finger to his forehead in an attempt to search through his thoughts for anything important that he might have forgotten.

 “Oh! Kaiba wanted us to tell you he was going to visit you after school.” Joey said casually. Yami rolled his eyes. He’ll never understand him and his casual attitude.

 "Do I dare ask why?" Yami inquired, a little pissed at the fact that this was decided without his knowledge or consent.

 "Kaiba didn't give us a reason." Yugi responded timidly. Yami wasn't too happy about this, with or without that false smile on his face. "He just wanted us to pass it on to you."

 *I suppose I can't complain.* Yami thought, thinking of a few things that the arrogant brunette would want from him or speak to him about. "Alright, alright, if you see him, tell him I'll be expecting to see him this afternoon." Yami sighed, conceding defeat.

 Yugi suggested, "Why don't you sleep until then, Yami?"

 With a final nod and a farewell or two, the duo took off towards the familiar path to school. The crimson-eyed teen stepped back to shut the door. He glanced outside the window of the living room once more before returning to his bedroom. He was expecting someone later on today. Yami passed out on his bed in an attempt to fall back asleep.

 Two hours later, Seto had sent him a text while he was in blissful slumber. Yami never answered.


 Sometime around 2:30 pm, Yami woke in slight discomfort. His mind was in a haze and he was beginning to feel nauseous. Whatever it was that he caught this time, it was taking its toll on his body.

Yami held his stomach, turning on his side and moaning, “Son of a bitch.” The pain was killing him!

His head was throbbing and he felt feverish just lying there in bed. As much as he wanted to do something about it, he just didn’t have the strength to actively do something to eliminate the pain. He picked up his laptop from beside his bed and turned it on. He produced his flash drive from a bag nearby and put it in.

Yami began to type up the rest of his fanfiction that he started at Joey's house. He got as far as chapter 3 before saving it and pulling up the story he had been originally working on. He continued to finish the tenth chapter and looked it over. It ended differently than he thought it would. He glanced at the clock. It read, '3:24 pm'. *I still have an hour or two.*

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