Chapter 9

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Most of them couldnt speak english but understood it well so they sat there with a smile as the pups talked to them. We actually understand alot of languages, most of them being from civilization near water. When it was their turn to talk the pups realized they couldnt speak back understandably. Due to this they limited to simple questions the merpups could answer with nods or other gestures.

I changed form while in water to go join the paw patrol, which made the merpup around awe at me. Beginning to swim to the beach I was pulled back by Coral.

"Stay. With us." She said.

"We need someone like you as the last of the royal family." I gently pulled my paw back from hers. I had a life with the paw patrol now. But I realized I have no home either now thanks to the dragon and sweetie. I think Scorcher also wanted me to go with him to look for merpup treassure. But i also realized what she said.

"Puplantis is still around?" i asked gently, trying to not get my hopes up. coral nodded.

"recently rebuilt a few years back but yes. i take the paw patrol didnt tell you? they've been around a few times" coral explained. 

"I.." I look between the groups. The pups stayed close to Sweetie till Robo dog prepped the air patroller for a flight to barkingberg, making sure she dosent do anything else while shes here.

"Wait here." I say swimming up to the beach, shaking myself of the water. i went to the pups.

"why didnt you guys tell me puplantis was around?" i asked. i wasnt mad, i knew they were very busy most days so i wanted to give them the benifit of the doubt. still didnt quell the upset i felt.

"it really just slipped our minds and we never connected the dots" rocky said quietly. he seemed just as upset as i was about the situation.

"you told us one time you wanted to look forward to the future with us as part of the team so we never really thought about it" zuma explained futher. i nodded, rememebering that moment when i said this. I walked up to sweetie who backed up at the sight of me.

"One would think to study an old book that has ancient writing in it before saying any of it. But hey, its in the past now." she was looking down at the sand, i assumed she thought I would be upset, I was, but its not all of her fault. She didnt know it was a spell.

I then looked to the merpups, it seemed they wanted me to come with them as they looked at me. I sit and stare at the sand as this was becoming too much. I then began to think about it as the merpup I am. It would be nice to be in the ocean more. The ocean is and will forever be my home. I don't belong on land as much as i do in the occean.

But the paw patrol has benefited from me joining them. As well as their home is destroyed now, they would need extra paws to help with emergencies or rebuilding the lookout. I want to help rebuild the lookout if I leave with the merpups. Scorcher also wanted me to go with him, but I think he'll be happy if I was happy so I'm not too worried about him. I felt a paw on my shoulder.

"We support you for any decision you make." Skye said, rubbing my back.

"Yeah, you can always come to visit." Rocky added. The others nodded in an agreement.

"I dont want to leave without helping fix your home. This is my home as well." I told them. I wasnt sure what to do.

"What if we combined them all?" Ryder asking, suddenly speaking up with a smile. We all turned our heads to the side a bit.

"what do you mean ryder?" Skye asked.

"Well if sapphire wants to go back to the merpups, but scorcher wants her to go with him to search for treasure but also Sapphire wants to stay with us, so why not combine them all and have her own type of paw patrol? the first members being her and scorcher." he started. he then leans down to me.

"we have our own sea patrol gear but we cant monitor the sea the entire time like we do adventure bay. and since your patrol will cover all of the ocean it will be called ocean patrol." he finishes. i really love that idea!

"i love it! scorcher? what do you think?" i asked turning to him and ryder did the same. scorcher seemed to be thinking about it.

"hmmm as long as i get to sail the seas using my ship then lets sail!" he declared, tail wagging happily. The pups cheered.

They nodded and thats what we did. Mayor Goodway had got the funding needed to rebuild the lookout in no time flat from the citizens as they wanted to help rebuild the symbol of hope for their city. The merpup group helped when they could, which wasn't much but they seemed interested in the people living in adventure bay as the people were of them. Robo dog took sweetie back to barkingberg by himself and came back several hours later.

Ryder took my puptag, saying he was going to upgrade it. He also said that our base of operations was going to be near puplatis, but he made sure to add it to his plans to have it above the water or on land due to me explaining what happened to the last one and how iris drowned.

"So your going with the merpups?" Rocky asked when we took a break. I nodded and set my drink down on the grass and stopped watching Chase. Speaking of chase there was something about him that made me like him. Alot more than just "oh hes a friend", maybe its his initiative to take charge.

"Yes I think its about time I return to my own home, the ocean. I already pulled everyone through crazy magical adventures enough, time to return to the hidden world of the merpups." I said looking at him. My next words choked on me when I saw his expression. It was one I knew too well, when you want to say something but are not sure if you should say it.

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