Chapter 6

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Hours later scorcher approached the castle and explained his situation to the princess.

"Im so sorry that happened to her and you. Could you please show him to a bedroom?" She said to the Duke and he nodded. He showed them to a room and offered him something to eat but he refused politely.

"What do we do now?" Scorcher asked himself as he curled up to go to sleep, he was still wet but he was used to being wet.


Swimming quickly, flashbacks of that day came. The fish I passed soon turned into the friends I swam pass after my mother told me to run away. I could tell they wanted to come with me but they were too scared.

Screaming could be heard from inside the city and once I was far away I glanced back, the merpups who rose in rebellion against a "freak" becoming next in line were at the city hall looking for me. I managed to keep a straight face for now.

That was short lived as a scream pierced through the night. It was my mom, it had to be her. Tears blended into the water around me as I saw a whale do it's motion when it has eaten something and knew it ate my mother.

Something then hit me, knocking me out of the long flashback and it was a fish that swam away once it saw I saw it.

"It's in the past." I told myself. But it still happened. I eventually neared adventure Bay waters and broke the surface to look, I gasped. I was too late.


With the princess's warning, the paw patrol was able to prepare and got most of the people out of the town. They didn't know what to do to really stop her. Without sapphire they were able to manage but they couldn't get rid of the dragon.

The dragon was shooting water everywhere trying to get the pups and ryder. But they were way smaller than it so they had the advantage or dodging.

Skye flew around her helicopter, looking for a place to attach her harness to pull the dragon away from the city, but even with her biggest harness, she wouldn't be able to pull it back. It was simply too strong.

Sweetie laughed and then pointed her paw to the lookout. The dragon then shot water onto the lookout and part of the city, damaging it, breaking windows, slide doors and flooding the underground garage with water. It also shorted out the computer running the base causing the elevator to break, however the basic cement structure and that around it still stands, just like the paw patrol themselves.

"Ryder sir I don't think we can win this time..." Chase said with a hint of worry in his voice as he watched Skye Doge water blasts. He heard Zuma's hovercraft come at him quickly and before he could look Zuma's pushed him overboard.

Where he sat in his truck tuned boat the dragon slapped his tail, sending Zuma into the water. The pups gasped but had to look away to avoid the same fate. Chase swam over to Ryder and sat behind him.

"We don't give up till the end." He said, moving quickly to try to keep out of the danger zone of the tail.

"Which won't be long for you!" Sweetie said with a smug look on her face. She felt confident she might win this time and get the crown she wanted. She wanted to get the paw patrol out of the way and she took the chance to do it.


I watched as Zuma's body floated down in the water. The dragons tail made him hit the water hard, so the small scent of blood was around. I couldn't get myself to pull him to safety and where he could get help.

However I was thinking about ways to steer the dragon away from the pups and the town. The dragon was a natural predetor of merpups, maybe if it saw me it'll go after me instead? I then run the risk of being eaten cause it'll be faster than me due to size.

I shook my head and went to Zuma and pulled him up and head his head above water and everyone seemed to be happy to see me, except sweetie who ordered the dragon after me now. She knew I was the biggest threat here.

Once chase pulled himself up onto Ryder's ATV I started to swim away, splashing my tail to get the dragons attention. It roared and chased after me.

"Okay, now the obstacle course comes into play." I told myself as I went between things in hope it'll go through and hurt itself. I glanced back and saw adventure Bay getting father away and the sea dragon was after me. I saw Skye above the water keeping up with me.

Soon enough it didn't see me. So that would give me enough time to start the portal my kind did a long ago. But it's only me, would it be stable? What about sweetie? I don't want to go with the dragon as well.

As much as I didn't like her, I'm not cruel. Besides people would upset over her disappearance. I began to a vertical circle in the water in the direction of the dragon and I began the merpup song, giving away where I was but it was needed for the spell.

Soon the blueish white circle appeared but it was faint, I also saw the dragon swimming head on towards me. My instincts told me to flee but I ignored them as best as I could. I tried making the ring bigger but I couldn't with just me powering it.

"No no no-" Before I knew it the dragon rammed into me, making the spell fade into nothing and sending me to the bottom of the ocean unconscious.


The princess got the group a plane to adventure Bay as soon as she could. Getting on a plane he was able to get regular seats with other people, which made them laugh. However, Scorcher wasn't so sure. He's never been on a plane before or above water at a high altitude really. Because of this, he didn't sit in a window seat.

He also made sure that the third seat next to the aisle was empty, the princess wasn't sure if sitting next to puppy would upset anyone. The plane took off and Scorcher kept in mind of his manners and the people around them.

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