Chapter 4

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 "What are you reading sweetie?" I asked casually. She jumped and closed the book quickly. She glared at me. She apparently didn't want me to see what she was reading. But I saw the book cover and knew what story she just read.

That story, even if I was just a young one, I remember it as it happened. I was sent away to be protected from the sea dragon. But even then the sea dragon found me, and almost killed me if it wasn't for my royal guards.

"Sweetie you shouldn't know about that story." I told her. She glared harder, I think she had suspicions about me now. That was fine. She had nothing to prove against me as far as I knew. Even if she did what would she do that was bad? Publicity? Please, I was used to that from being a paw patrol member.

"Whys that?" She fired back. I stood there just glaring, trying really hard not to bite her. It wouldn't look good if I did that out of personal spite.

"Why shouldn't I know, its just a story right? Unless it really happened and you dont want anyone to know-" Sweetie gasped as something came to mind.

"Unless your one of them. A merpup." She smirked, and it made me want to bite her at this moment but I restrained myself for now. I was going to say I'm not one of them but then I remembered what she said about a mer-pup santuary or something along those lines.

Should I trust her with that knowledge though? Sweetie could use it to bait me and the pups to get the crown. What could she do with that knowledge anyway?

"I am, but that's all your getting out of me." I told her. Her eyes widened and she jumped around excitingly. Before her eyes glanced at the book and some ancient writing. She smirked before feigning innocence towards me.

"Hey what's this say?" She then began to say the text she glanced at. The book glowed and so did I as I was thrown in the air against my will as patterns made of magic appeared behind me. I was forced to my mer-pup form as I was lifted higher into the air, phasing through the roof and above the castle.

The spell used me as part of its workings as a hole began to appear in the sky. People screamed and moved away, at least I think they did. I don't remember much after this as the spell used my magic to open the mentioned hole in the sky.

It was a release spell from the unknown, no one is sure what's on the other side so I guess that's how it got its name.


There was a large white line in the sky and next to it was Sapphire pinned in a cross like fashion on some pattens in a circle. Her eyes were white as the line and she didn't move. The princess called sweetie frantically when she saw her flying on her hovercraft vehicle towards the line.

A wave of white shot out making everyone stop to look in fear as the line began to split and form a hole. In the hole there was nothing, no sound, no sky, no plants or ground of another planet.

That was till this massive blue and purple frilly like dragon descended from it and fell into the water. it looked menacing yet beautiful with the frills on it's tail, feet and head. You can tell it was mostly made for moving around in water but could move onto land if it wanted to.

Sweetie watched all of this from her hovercraft but sucked in a breath when it looked around and locked eyes with her. It swam closer to her and raised it's head barely under her helicopter, indicating it wanted her to get on it's head.

The spell was to release the creature the merpups sealed away. However, the sea dragon would know who released it and would be loyal to them as a favor for freeing it. But that was probably the only good thing about it, it had a destructive nature and has a fire temperature despite what it is.

Sweetie landed her helicopter and got on the dragons head and imedietly it knew what sweetie wanted, roaring fiercely as sweetie smiled vengefully. They both headed to adventure bay. She wanted to get rid of the only force that could possibly stop her, the paw patrol.

She could hear faintly the princess talking to Ryder on her phone as she was telling them the situation. Sweetie glanced back and laughed when she saw the princess turn her phone around to show Ryder what was going after she couldn't explain well enough.

After this the circles behind Sapphire disappeared and she began to fall to the water, soon after a figure jumped into the water to get her. It swam faster when she entered the water.

It was Scorcher. His heart hurt for seeing Sapphire being used like this against her will. He grabbed the scruff of her neck with his teeth and pulled up. It never occurred to him that she was a mer-pup and therefore she couldn't drown.


The first thing to came to was the feeling of failing. Was I falling or was I failing? At this point I failed to keep the world safe if sweetie has control of the creature, I knew she was power hungry. I should've gave her a bone.

I should have stopped her from citing the text from that page. But I didn't know what was on it myself so I couldn't have done that. I never knew they wrote down the release spell in the books we shared, the people who helped us long ago. Where was I? Was Iris safe? It's my fault. All of this is my fault. I told sweetie I was a mer-pup, she could've had something planned.

I landed in the water, the impact fully knocking me out.


Scorcher hauled me out of the water, whining at me as I wasn't waking up. Iris soon came up and checked me out. Scorcher growled a bit and stood in front of sapphire but then realized it was best for someone who knew how to and was willing to, to help.

I was exhausted that's all. Scorcher were relieved at this news. She picked me up and took me, along Scorcher, to our home.

Paw Patrol: Castle of SandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora