Chapter 8

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The pups split up with the singing group, the leader waving to Skye to get her attention. She jumped up out of the water to indicate her position.

"The end of the group is where the mixed breed is at." She said pointing to rocky, who happened to be at the back of the group. The leader looked a lot like skye.

"That should give you an idea of where to hang to get the white puppy." She said before diving back down to move as the sea dragon closed in. She then joined back in the song with her group. They swam fast but the dragon was faster, however, with the merpups advice Skye hung behind the group and aligned with the dragon's head.

Slowly she came down to the waters suface to get sweetie. She swooped in and missed the first time. Seeing this the merpup made the group swim closer to the suface so Skye dosent have to drag through as much water to get sweetie. Skye went for another try after seeing this and manged to clip her harness around sweetie's sides.

Skye pulled sweetie from the top of the dragons head and the dragon seemignly didnt notice but now went to the merpups more now he didnt have hestitaion of being under sweeties control. Sweetie wiggled and bit the harness, trying to get out of it to go back to the dragon but it wouldn't break. 

"No! I will get the crown! I just needed to get rid of you pups first!" She yelled as she got dropped off at the beach where ryder also dropped off scorcher and chase who surrounded her so she couldnt leave.

"Its the end of the line sweetie." Chase said.

"Perhaps she wanted more than the crown? Having a crown would mean people serve her and she would be royalty. Maybe she wanted to use the decision making power royalty has." Scorcher said in thought. She looked down a bit, he was going somewhere with his thought process for sure.

In truth sweeties plan was to rule barkingberg with the princess's crown, but switch plans when the sea dragon came into the picture, figuring she could use it to control any merpups that come. In short, she was improvising as things went. But now the plan completely fell apart thanks to the paw patrol.

"Perhaps she just wants to feel more important than a pet?" He inquired. It seemed he had an idea but wasn't willing to share as now was not the time.


As soon as I saw sweetie dropped off I went into action, calling the group to swim away from adventure bay and the beach less they risk being beached and a target for the sea dragon. They seemed to change their song to keep morale up. I didnt mind much, I believed it did keep everyones spirits up instead of keeping thinking that they couldn't do this, as well I love music very much.

"We need a group to begin the portal spell, I cant do it alone with just my magic as the circle woulnt be big enough." I told the head pup. I heard one of the group members shout her name, it was Coral. There was stories about her, how she was a land puppy once but went to live with the merpups. We both looked back and saw the one who shouted for her.

"I would like you to help us." She then looked at me be "every merpup would count in the spell!" she said confidently.

"It'll be great, lets go!" With me, coral, and another merpup we raced out into deep ocean to begin the spell. We sang the song and the ring appeared. It was bright since it was small then we expanded so the sea dragon could fit through smoothly. We sang the merpup song to enhance our magic, it also let corals's group know that we are ready and where we were at.

It also alerted the sea dragon but it followed the group. As I watched I noticed a problem.

"In order for them to pull it through they have to go through as well if its following them. Is there water in the void?" I asked athena, who came to help after we started.

"I'm...I'm not sure." At this point, she looked really worried as the group came closer. Either the sea dragon floated endlessly for years or he swam through seemingly nothing like there was no gravity, at least thats what I think it was called when I read a book back in barkingberg.

We dont know much about the unknown to know for sure so it would be better if they didnt go in at all. Coral noticed me thinking and told her group to go another lap, they were beginning to get tired I could tell by how some would lag behind the slightest and catch back up once they noticed.

"We could have them swim towards it and them duck down and around the bottom part of the portal since we're near the ocean floor, it won't see them quick enough to care. And then they would need to swim straight behind the portal or it might see them." I explained.

The others nodded and agreed with my plan and shinrai called her group back. They came and coral explained the motion using her paws on what they needed to do, they understood and came closer.

Now to see if it works. One by one they came close to the portal and dodged out of the way at the last second and swam behind the portal. When the last few did it the sea dragon got tricked into the portal and we let go of the spell.

We watched as the ring dissipated, revealing the merpups who swam behind it in a line. They began to cheer, sounding like a victory jingle, which made me laugh and jump out of the water in excitement.

The Paw Patrol sat at the beach, watching Sweetie and waiting. They couldnt do anything but that. Marshall was caring for Zuma's wounds, and that was when I jumped out of the water. They saw my smile and cheered, now knowing everything is okay. The group of merpups swam close to the beach to watch the pups.

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