Chapter Fifty-Two: The End?

Start from the beginning

"Let's go upstairs," Cayton says, his tone neutral.

Not feeling like arguing, knowing it would just be for the sake of arguing anyways, I nod and follow him up the steps. When we hit the landing, he goes directly to our room. I take a deep breath, preparing to enter.

As soon as I do, Cayton shuts the door behind me. I have no time to react before he grabs me and pulls me to his chest, tangling his hand in my hair and resting his cheek against the top of my head. I'm shocked at first, but guilt immediately sets in.

"I almost lost my goddamn mind, thinking something happened," Cayton starts. His voice catches in his throat, and my guilt increases by a million as I feel him beginning to shake. I panic though, thinking he's so angry he's going to start throwing punches. But then, when I hear a sniffle and a choked sob, I feel like I deserve to be punched repeatedly in the face.

All I can do in my shock is wrap my arms around him, pulling him to me just as tightly. I blink back my tears, my heart aching as my mate cries in front of me for the first time. Somewhere in the back of my mind, Wolfette whines, feeling the pain I feel.

"I'm sorry," I choke out. My reckless plans have seldom worked out in my favor, I don't know why I thought now, of all times, was the best time to try another one out. "I'm so sorry."

I work on keeping back my tears as Cayton continues to shake. I don't know if now is the best time to talk. I don't know if I should bring it up. I was mad before, about him hiding the Warren situation from me, but feeling him cry makes all that anger feel insignificant. With everything that has gone on recently, it's hard to decide what needs attention first and what needs attention last. Warren isn't a threat right now, so maybe he should be at the bottom of the list.

Cayton sniffles again, and I feel him lift his head. His lips find my forehead, pressing softly and staying there as he inhales. I close my eyes, both savoring the feeling and willing the last of my tears to stay put.

"I'm sorry for being angry with you earlier," he apologizes, and I look up into his eyes, shocked that he's the one apologizing. "I woke up after listening to the shower run for almost an hour, noticed a distinct lack of it sounding like anyone was actually in the shower, only to see the bathroom window wide open. I had no clue what happened, where you were..."

I bite my lip, the guilt continuing to wash over me in waves.

"I assumed my mom told you something today though..." he starts. "It was a lucky guess that I found you where you were. And luckier still that your scent was still pretty strong."

"So maybe I shouldn't hold off on those showers?" I half-heartedly joke.

Despite the situation, he gives me the smallest of smiles. "Yeah, it was pretty...strong."

"Wait, that's rude. You're not supposed to agree!" I whine, pushing him away slightly. His smile grows, and I try not to let mine falter as I see the wetness still on his cheeks.

"But seriously," he starts, the smile falling from his lips. "Please. At least for a few months, can you not make a break for it?"

"I can try and promise but just so you know," I point to the side of my head. "Wolfette here is the one who gave me the idea."

He raises an eyebrow. "Did she take over?"

"Well, no, but--"

"So you did it."

"I mean, physically, yes, but--"

"She gave you an idea, you thought 'You know what? That's a great idea!' and you followed it."

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