News Flash: Deathbringer's an Idiot

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~Glory's POV~

The next day Glory woke up to the sound of a messenger banging on the door to her hut. She rolled her eyes and opened her door.

"Grandeur wants to see you, Your Majesty." The RainWing said loyally.

"Thank you for telling me." Glory replied. "You may go."

Glory walked to Grandeur's hut and saw her waiting inside.

"Welcome, Glory."

"Hello, Grandeur." Glory said, sitting down.

"I've called you because of the queen meeting. I'd like to know what happened." Grandeur said.

Glory sighed. She would have to tell someone again. "Well, it was a very short meeting. The queens and I discussed heirs, and the other queens have given me two years to get married and have an heir."

Grandeur raised an eyebrow. "Have you done anything about that?"

Glory blushed. "Er-Deathbringer and I have unofficially dating? Maybe?"

Grandeur smiled. "I'm glad to see you've done something about it, Glory."

"Thanks." Glory replied.

"You are dismissed." Grandeur stated.

Glory nodded in recognition and walked out, not surprised to see Deathbringer standing outside the hut.

"What's up?" He asked.

"The sky." Glory replied.

Deathbringer rolled his eyes. "What did Grandeur need you for?"

"She just wanted to know what happened at the meeting, you idiot."

"Okay." Deathbringer shrugged. "What are you doing today?" He asked.

"The usual." Glory replied. "Answer questions for a while, suntime if I feel like it, and hang out with my friends now that they're here."

"Sounds good to me." Deathbringer said. "You really should have suntime, though."

Glory rolled her eyes. "Deathbringer, I went six years without suntime. I think I can go one or two days without it. Also, I am your queen. You can't tell me what to do."

Deathbringer smirked. "But you loooove me." He said smugly.

"No I don't." Glory retorted. "You're an idiot and I hate your guts."

"Only my guts?"

"No. Just you in general."

"Oh, great." He replied sarcastically.


Glory answered questions for about an hour, and was glad there were no problems, just the usual "insert fruit here went missing." or "my sloth is gone."

After that, she was meeting Clay, Tsunami, Sunny, and Starflight at the royal pavilion, so that was where she was headed.

Deathbringer followed her, to her displeasure. Kind of. She felt more comfortable with his company, for some reason.

"Ooo! Here come the lovebirds!" Tsunami teased as Glory and Deathbringer came into view.

Glory rolled her eyes, trying as hard as she could to keep her scale color form changing, and hit Tsunami with her tail.

"Shut up." Glory snapped.

"Fine." Tsunami shot back. She grinned. "How's your boyfriend?" She asked smugly.

"Who's that?" Glory retorted.

"Oh I dunno?" Tsunami replied sarcastically. "Maybe your bodyguard you kissed last night?"

"What about your actual boyfriend that you've kissed multiple times?" Glory said.

Tsunami blushed, but couldn't insult Glory again, because Kinkajou came running up to Glory, her scales bright pink.

"Glory!" She shouted. "Glory! Guess what? Turtle and I are engaged now!" As Kinkajou said this, Sunny looked like she was going to faint, and Glory felt like it. Kinkajou's engaged! Glory thought. "Really? That's great! I'm invited to the wedding, right?" She asked with a grin.

"Of course!" Kinkajou replied. Glory congratulated her again, and then Kinkajou had to do something. Tsunami, on the other talon, had been trying to give a few RainWings a fighting lesson for the short amount of time Glory was talking to Kinkajou.

"RainWings are idiots!" Tsunami exclaimed.

Glory glared at her. "I tried teaching them to fight, but they just wanted to sleep and eat, and they started throwing fruit at me! Fruit!" She yelled.

"Tsunami, shut up, stop picking fights, and stop badmouthing my subjects." Glory stated, then muttered, "Three moons, I don't even know how you run a school."

"Hey!" Tsunami protested, apparently she had heard Glory. "I think I do a pretty good job of running a school! You should try it and see how 'easy' it is!"

"Well, if you can't tell, I'm the one dragon holding two tribes together, which I would think would be a lot harder than babysitting thirty dragons."

"Thirty-five dragons." Tsunami corrected.

Glory rolled her eyes. "Stop trying to sound like Starflight. Anyway, I've got things to do. Like queenly things. You should go hang out with your boyfriend."

"We're not dating!" Tsunami snapped.

"Yep, definitely." Glory said sarcastically.

"We're married." Tsunami grinned.

A/N: I'm sorry it's been a while since I've updated, but my teachers have been giving me so much homework, and I haven't been able to do anything. 

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