16: I really like kissing you

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I was never one to really like hospitals they always gave me the creeps, and I'd always freak out when ever a needle came near me.
So when we got to the hospital, and they rushed me away into a room I started to freak out, because they were trying stick a needle into my arm. I don't know why I don't like needles I just hate them with a passion especially if they're supposed to be stabbing into my arm, and I felt bad for the nurses trying to put it in, because to say the least I was going ballistic.

"NO PLEASE GET THAT AWAY FROM ME PLEASE!" I cried out, it was so bad that they had to bring in large men to hold me down, and it was hard, because I may or may not have been using a bit of that werewolf strength of mine.
"Just hold still sweetie." The nurse said, but I couldn't I was trying my best to not get stabbed in the arm with that thing.
"Let here go." I heard someone say, but I was continued to be held down by the men trying to break free.
"I said let her go!"

It was Jace, of course it was Jace, I was so glad it was Jace.

He knocked out everyone in almost 10 seconds leaving him the last one standing. What surprised me the most was when he turned around, I could tell he was using his werewolf strength to take everyone down only leaving me with the assumption that his eyes had obviously changed color, but it was just just too strange, because if his eyes had changed colors they would have been his regular wolf eyes this time I don't know why, I don't even think he knew, but they were pitch black, not even a small hint of color showing in those eyes.

In almost a split second after I saw them they turned back to normal. I was actually debating if it was my imagination, it just looked so real so I chose to believe it.

"What happened?" He asked,
I was confused what did he mean what happened?
"What do you mean what happened?" I asked back, "I mean what just happened why is everyone lying on the floor unconscious?" It seemed like he was lying but his eyes held nothing but confusion.
"You really don't know what you just did?" He nodded his head know as I got up from the bed I was on and walked over to him slowly.
"whats the last thing you remembered?" I asked him, "The last thing I remember is being at my fathers grave then hearing a scream next thing I know I'm standing here."

He was at his fathers grave, that's all I got from what he said. " What were you doing at your fathers grave?" it's seems as in full of questions now aren't I.

"I had to visit him." That's all he said some small tears finding there way to his and my eyes.

"Okay. Let get out of here before someone comes and I'll explain everything." I nodded, he grabbed my hand and we quickly made our escape. Nobody really noticed us even leaving which was a good thing because I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

Next thing I knew we were out side walking down the side walk. Five minutes later we've walked pretty far and have not spoken a word to each other I didn't even know where we were going until I saw a park. There was nobody there so i took Jaces hand and dragged him to the swings, we sat down and finally began to talk "So what exactly happend?" he asked

"You saved me from a needle being sticked in me." I said "What do you mean?" He asked all confused " I mean I was having a giant freak out because the nurses were trying to put a needle in me and when they brought in the big guys to hold me down you came and took them away from me and I dont know how but your eyes changed to black."
"I honestly don't remember any of that and I'll figure out if my eyes did change black what it means."

After that we both looked at each other in silence swinging back and forth slightly when he said "I-I really like kissing you." That most definantly made me blush no doubt. "I like kissing you too." I said looking down at my hands trying not to let him see me blush "Do you think you um you'd wanna do it again maybe?" he asked "

"I'd like that"


Hey guys, I know its not much but i just had to get something uploaded and what better time when you're trying to finish writing an essay.
Anyways how'd you like it, I'm thinking of starting to post pictures like this one with andrew garfield being a cute awkward peter parker what do you think I should do?

Alright well I guess thats it for me dont forget to vote, comment I do read them and I'm liking what im reading I really appreciate all of the positivness okay im gonna stop now talk you next time byeee.


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