14: Prone to death apparently

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The smoke was starting to fill the ... well closet when I realized I still had my phone on me I quickly took it out my pocket it was at 2% I started hyperventilating I couldn't breath the smoke was too strong and it made my eyes water so I dialed any number hoping they'd pick up the phone as it rang.




"Hello?" they said

"HELP ME!" then I heard an explosion.


Rosies POV

The explosion made me fall to the ground while even more smoke began to fill the closet I had dropped the phone when I fell causing it to hang up on the person on the other line. I quickly grabbed it and started dialing the same number again.

"Ros-" the person on the other line couldn't finish what they were saying because my phone had died as soon as they picked up. Fudge my life who forgets to charged their phone? Apparently I do boy did that come back to bite me in the ass.

All the while I was thinking somebody must've started the fire for a reason because who would start a random fire in a trash can without having a motive. I began to cough uncontrollably the smoke filling my lungs. I could barley breath and I couldn't do anything about it. I began looking for something to help me break down the door and came up with nothing and I couldn't do it by myself because I was getting weak from the lack of clean air in my burning lungs.

I continued to cough as I pulled my shirt over my nose and mouth trying not to breath in anymore smoke it wasn't working. All I can do is sit here and wait, wait for somebody to come me. Somebody will come for me, right?


Third persons POV

Everybody can rushing out the building after somebody had pulled the fire alarm. They knew it was an actual fire once smoke started to fill the hall ways around the chemistry room.The group had found each other in the parking lot and we're making sure they were all ok. "Has anyone seen rosie?" Jace asked giving a small cough clearing his throat.

"No she went to the bathroom during class but never came back." Ryan said. They started looking for her in the throngs of people crowding around the cars but still couldn't seem to find her anywhere.

They were all standing around the tree watching the school thinking of where she could be "You don't think she's still in there right?" Sam asked "No, she must've gotten out."The side of the school began to have smoke come out of a couple open windows when a phone rang. Jace coughed into his arms again then asked who's phone is ringing. "It's mine." Scott said and he was quick to answer "Hello?" he said there was a couple of words shouted over the phone but the others couldn't make it out.

Suddenly an explosion from the side of the school broke all the windows causing more smoke to come out while Scott looked at his phone with worry. "Who was it?" Jane asked "Rosie, I think she said help me."

Just then Jace began to feel his lungs burning a bit coughing into his arm when Scott's phone rang again he immediately picked up "Rosie! Hello? Rosie!" He said but nothing.

By then Jace was coughing uncontrollably not knowing why when he was in complete fresh air and no where near the smoke but then it clicked.

The mate bond is growing stronger. That fast?

He tried to stop and say something but couldn't "Woah there buddy you okay?" Shirley asked him he shook his head and tried to say something through the coughs "Rosie sh-she's still *cough cough * inside!" Jace said trying to walk back to the school.

"Why do you think that?" Scott said Jace turn back and faced Scott and tried to speak again "I *cough* I f-feel it."

Jace had leaned against the tree coughing he felt as if the smoke was filling his lungs slowly even though he was surrounded by fresh air.

He looked up at the school and started to run towards it occasionally coughing but still going. The others followed knowing what his intentions were he was going to find Rosie.

Rosie's POV (sorry for all the POV changes last one I swear.)

I stayed sitting here with my shirt over my mouth and nose I moved closer to the door and leaned my self against it. I guess I was becoming prone to death apparently considering this is my second life threatening situation in less than 2 weeks.

I could barley yell now my throat being dry even after I drank the water bottles I found before. Yet I was still calling out for someone I didn't care who just anyone to get me out of here I was even banging my hand against the door as hard as I can and believe it or not at this moment it's not as hard as I wanted it to be.

" I -in case of my death *cough* I leave all my cloths to be split up among .... janey, Shirley, Lana and *cough* Lily. M-my favorite books by john green a-are to be buried with me w-which means all of them. Also I-I want everyone t-to *cough* to continue to live there lives and be happy. E-especially Jace I don't want him to be depressed anymore." I continued to pound my fist on the door hoping someone would come. A couple minutes passed by when I heard something coming from the hall "hello?" they sounded as if they were down the hall "Yes oh my god im here im in the closet!" I said I tried to be as loud as I could "Who ever is out there please HELP ME!" I shouted

"ROSIE? ROSIE?" They were getting closer "YES ITS ME PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE IM IN THE CLOSET!" I replied. The foots steps were right out side the door and I saw the door handle jiggle trying to be opened so I said "I-its locked. Just please, please get me out of here." My eyes had been buliding up water the moment the smoke started but I didn't let them fall until now I guess they just broke free.

"Rosie I'm gonna need you to stand back okay. Just get away from the door." They said so I did I crawled back towards the shelves and I heard the door being banged on they were probably trying to break it down. It was a good idea it just so happened that every time they ran into the door things fell of the shelves hitting me mostly on the head.

I tried to block them but the just kept falling so I just kept my hands over my head as I was huddled over on the ground. I had my head down my eyes closed when all of a sudden a slight breeze of air passed by I looked up and saw the door was wide open and there standing was .... Sam?

"Oh thank god rosie." I saw Scott and Ryan behind him they were saving me. I tried to see past them if maybe Jace was there as well, he wasn't. I thought we had made some progress he could have at least tried to save me. At least Sam Ryan and Scott came.

"Come on Rosie lets get you out of here."



Whaat? Another plot twist I am on a slight roll there.

So how'd you like it to be honest sometimes I think you guys aren't gonna like what I write but then I see how people liked the chapter and it makes me happy so I just wanted to say THANK YOU!

Just thank you for reading this story and I love you guys so much for being there for me.

Anyways make sure to vote, and leave comments on what you think. Other than that that's it for this chapter I'll talk to you next time byee.


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