9: Sucks to suck

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After having our small pillow fight we decied to play a game instead and that game just so happend to be truth or dare when it's was Lana's turn she chose me and I chose truth only to have her ask 'have you ever thought about kissing jace' and since these are my girls I just had to tell the truth.

"Actually jace already kissed me". Everyone's face was filled with shock and it took about probably a complete minute for them to finally say something.

"HE WHAT!" They All said at the same time

"He kissed me last week the day before the rouges came." i repeated

"So that's why he's been so touchy feely every time you're brought up in a conversation" jane said

"Alright so like that means you going into heat in like 2 or 3 days! Oh my gosh what are you gonna do does jace know wait of course he knows he is the one that kissed you unless you have another mate and your not telling us why wouldn't you tell us Rosie this is big news and we are all your best friends here who is he do I know him is he cute wait don't answer that but seriously do I know him?"

"Shirley calm down yes I go into heat in 2 or 3 days, yes Jace knows, yes he was the one that kissed me, and no I do not have another mate and if I did you guys would be the first I told" I replied jeez I swear sometimes that girl can come up with the most strangest things.

"Alright good because you know I'm not so good when it comes to awkward situations and that my friend is a very awkward one" Shirley said

"Ugh tell me about it wait I feel like we're missing something what are we forgetting?!?" Lana began to freak out a bit she kinda has OCD and can't really have things out of place "Of course popcorn. Now who's gonna go get the popcorn?" She said

"Ok let's do this old fashion way every one in a circle both feet in"

"I'll sing it" I said "ok bubble gum bubble gum in a dish how many peices do you wish lily?"

"5" ." Ok right foot out Lana"she moved her foot out of the ring as I continued

"Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish how many peices do you wish lily again"

"Uh 3 "

"Ok 1.2.3 right foot out janey"

"Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish how many peices do you wish. Me ok uh 6 left foot out Lana"

"Yes I don't have to go ha sucks to suck" she said while doing a little dance

"Oh hush" lily said while sticking her tougne out at her

" ok guys shall we continue" Shirley said

"We shall." I began "Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish how many peices do you wish Shirley"

"Uh 4."

"Ok left foot out lily"

"Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish how many peices do you wish Shirley again"

"Ugh 2"

"1.2" I said while taking my right foot out just 1 more foot to go

"Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish how many peices do you wish Shirley once again"

" ah jeez this feels endless why did we decide to play bubble gum again"

"Just because ,now chose a number"Lily said "Fine 6."
" left foot out shirls" ."finally" she said
"Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish how many peices do you wish Lily"

"10" she said with a smile

"Come on Shirley you're out "
"Oh thank The Lord I thought that was never going to end"
"Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish how many peices do you wish lily"

"Ugh 3"

"1.2.3 your out lily" I said "yes I don't have to go" she said while sitting down on the bed

" alright it just us Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish how many peices do you wish me alright uh 5 NOOOOOOOO"


"Hey got stuck on getting the popcorn didn't you" Jace said while walking. Into the kitchen

"Yeah you should have seen how long it took us the play bubble gum just so we can figure out who would get the popcorn and it turned out to be me " As soon as I said that the microwave went off signaling that the popcorn was ready

"Sucks to suck" I admit when he said that I thought it was funny and couldn't help let out a small giggle "hey can I ask you something?"

"Shoot" I said
"I was uh wondering ya know if um.... uh i-if uh ......" Aw he's stuttering I feel like I should help him out he looks like a helpsless puppy.

Let's see if we can make this helpless puppy feel a little better "come on jace tell me don't leave me in so much suspense" I said with a smile making him chuckle a bit. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

~~Jace's POV~~

"Come on jace tell me don't leave me in so much suspense" she said sarcastically causing me to laugh a bit and making some of my nervousness go away but it quickly returned once i looked back into her beautiful brown eyes.

Ever since she told me about the whole strongest mate bond thing I was just to happy knowing that after we mate she will barley be able to leave my side but who knows when that time will come maybe next week or it could be in a month it might even happen in the next 2 or 3 days but either way i am willing to wait just as long as she is happy.

It was about 2 whole minutes before i remembered what i was going to ask her i had been wanting to ask her the first time we kissed in the kitchen huh its sort of ironic how the last time i kissed her was in the kitchen while she was making popcorn for a slumber party she was having with the girsl its almost as if a week hasen't even passed by and we are still standing in the same spots as last time.

"So um like i was saying uh i was kinda of wonder if you would like to go on a date... with me" i starred into her eyes waiting for her reply i was beyond nervous i didnt know if she would say no or not and it was killing me.

Her face went blank. Oh no,no,no,no,no,no she's gonna say no I just know it.Then the one thing that shocked me happened she smiled.And said,

"I would love to go out with you"


ok i know, i know I took way to long to upload this chapter im super Sorry.

But once again school is friggen hard literally everytime i hand in a project another one is assigned.
Anyways how'd you like the chapter remember to Vote, and Comment i keep saying this and i think some of you are startiing to get annoyed by it but im gonna say it anyways I DO READ THE COMMENTS

Alright I will try my best to upload quickly BUT remember im not making any promises BUT I WILL STILL TRY.

Anyways thats it for me.Until the next chapter Byee.

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