10: OMG #TeamJasie

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~-~ Jace's POV~-~

"I would love to go out with you" A million questions were running through my head like What if she is only saying yes as pity because she felt that I would go back to my depression. Actually that was the only question I had in my head. I'm most certain that she said yes for that reason and that reason only.

"I'm not saying yes out of pity Jace." Ok I most definantly did not say that out loud she must have read my thoughts or something.

"Look I'm saying yes because I would like the chance to get to know you more and ya know get closer if fate wants us to be together then so be it but before we are I just wanna know that if fate didn't want us to be together that we would at least be the best of friends and would treat each other like bestfriend ok?" I nodded my head in happiness and hugged her leaving the popcorn on the counter as she hugged me back I enjoyed the tingles I felt when we hugged they just felt right.

"Ok well I have to get back to those crazy girls upstairs I call my friends but I'll talk to you later." She said as I began to pull back she gave me a quick peck on the cheek grabbed the popcorn and ran out the room with a huge smile on her face.

She is just too cute.

I'm so happy she said yes and I know the perfect place to take her.

~~Joeys POV~~(😁)

We were all currently watching a movie called Mama it's about two sisters that live in the woods and then Get adopted by there uncle so there spirit mother 'mama' gets jealous and tries to kill them yeah seems weird doesn't it.

Anyways I'm starting to crave some root beer actually so being the person I am I askedif anyone else wants anything from the kitchen.

"I can go get it." jace said

"Uh sure be my guest." I replied. I watched Jace walk out of the theater room and towards the kitchen when I think Sam started talking about his mate he is obviously already in love with her I can tell just by the look in his eyes. It was about 5 minutes later and Jace hasn't returned yet. "I'm gonna go see whys taking Jace so long" the guys all mumbled an ok so I left.

I was standing right outside the kitchen door when I over heard someone say something like 'I would love to go out with you' I guess Jace ran into Rosie then and asked her out.

I decided to peek through the door and when I did I saw them hugging and I over heard rosie say something about getting back to her friends, last thing I saw was her giving him a kiss on the cheek I guess I should step back don't want to make it seem like I was ease dropping even though I was whatever I ran back a bit and hid in the nearest hallway as I peeked back around the corner I saw rosie walking out of the kitchen with a huge smile on her face cute she looks happy. I didn't see Jace walk out so I decided I might as well just go in the kitchen and get him. When I walked in I just saw him standing in the middle of the kitchen starring at the wall with the biggest smile on his face " I see you and Rosie are getting along more" I said making him jump a bit in surprise. "Yeah we are, I uh I actually just asked her out on our first date." He said causing the smile to appear on his face once again. " So I heard. Ok so look I know that she just came back and all so im trying to be a good big brother and what type of big brother would I be if I didn't threaten the guy she is going on a date with so if you hurt her I will not hesitate to beat you even if you're alpha." I said with a serious face.

"Its fine I understand. We should probably head back to the others." He began to walk away when I said "Uh aren't you forgetting anything?" he looked back and gave me a confused look until he remembered "Oh right the root beer almost forgot." He said and walked back to the fridge and pulled out 5 root beers "That should be enough right?" he asked. I said a quick 'yeah' and we both started walking back the the movie room.

"Hey what took you guys so long the movies almost done." Sam asked. "Yeah I kinda ran into someone while in the kitchen." Jace said causing yet another large smile to appear on his face probably thinking about their date. "oh I see im guessing it was young rosmery. And im also guessing that something happend back there because you my friend have a bigger smile on your face than one of those statues on top of large buildings." Ryan said

"You mean gargoyles?" Scott said with an are-you-serious expression "Hey don't look at me like that I didn't know what they were called for a second, it happens. Alright back to the point what happened in there?"

Jace had sat down and began to speak "Uh well as you may know Rosie was in the kitchen and I uh I asked her to um-uh to--".

"YOU ASKED HER TO MARRY YOU! Dude don't you think that's a little to much?" Ryan interrupted

"Yeah don't you think you're moving a little to fast there buddy?" Sam continued. I admit I had to hold in some laughter because that was just crazy while Jace sat there with a blank expression and said "N-no I didn't ask her to marry me I uh asked her to go on a date

with me."

"Oh good so where you taking her then it better be good." I asked while finally sitting down on the couch near the door while the others began to say stuff of 'yeah where are you taking her?' and ideas of stuff he should do until Jace couldn't here anymore "Guys! I know you wanna know where I'm taking her trust me I'm pretty sure I got it good. So here's the plan-"

~Rosie's POV~

After I had talked to Jace in the kitchen I couldn't help but smile all the way back of stairs to where the girls were.

"Where have you been you have been gone for like 20 minutes it's doesn't take that long to cook popcorn ya know." Jane said "oh yeah I kinda got held up a bit." I said in return. "Ooo let me guess was it someone we know? Is it someone that lives here? Is it someone named Jace perhaps?"Shirley said starting to get up from her spot on the floor and walking over towards me grabbing the popcorn and stating to eat it. "Yeah actually it was him he, he asked me out on real date."

All I heard after that was a series of squeals and something that sounded like'OMG#TeamJasie'(pronounced:jay-C)

"What the hell is #TeamJasie!" I shouted causing all the girls to stop squealing but not without leaving smiles on their faces "You know Jasie it's are ship name for you guys." Ok did not know we had a ship name. "#TeamJasie huh? is this like a hobbie I didn't know about ,you guys just ship people?" I asked with an amused smirk.

"Nah we usually just ship mates for instances you and jace #TeamJasie we,we also have one for Scott and his mate." Wow."So what's their ship name?". "We can't decide between #scolen or #scotlen"Shirley said while the others nodded in agreement. (pronounced: scoh-Len and scott-Len) "Cute I like #scotlen. What about Lily and Sam?" I asked. "Well we don't know we have 3 options #TeamSily #TeamLam or #TeamLiam." Jane explained "Ohh I like #TeamLiam it's like a real name." I said. This of course made Lily smile probably thinking about that nugget Sam aw my baby's are growing up.




I hope you liked it I know it isn't much but I just wanted to get a chapter out so you guys wouldn't think I was murdered or something.

Anyways OVER 10,000 READS! This is amazing guys but I couldn't have done it with out you. You are the ones that chose to read and still stay even when I take a while to post a new chapter.

Alright lets continue if you have an idea on what should happen in the next chapter leave a comment and I might just use it *wink*


Remember what I said about being busy with school and stud yeah now I'm twice as busy seeing as we just got back from vacation and all that and my 18 year old sister is looking at colleges and is making me go on tours with her so might not get the next chapter done before next month but I'll try


Oh right don't forget to Vote, Comment once again I always read them.

That's it for me I hope you liked the chapter talk to you next time. Byeee


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