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"Alright class, that's all I have for now

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"Alright class, that's all I have for now. Don't forget to actually read the chapter over break." Mr. Boyd shouted to the classroom of fleeing children.

Quan gathered his belongings, the jansport bookbag falling over his shoulder as he stood from the graffiti ridden desk.

"Daquan, let me speak to you for a second." Mr. Boyd said making sure to catch the young boy before he darted out the door.

Quan checked the time on his phone, hoping whatever the man wanted to say to him didn't take long as he had plans with Sasha and Ty to go to the mall right after school. The bus ride there was an hour long - something he didn't look forward to however he knew he had to fulfill his promise.

"Whats up Mr. B?"

"I have to say, I was surprised but pleased to see you in class today. Great participation." Mr. Boyd said taking a seat on the edge of his desk, "With that being said, it's not enough to pass this class. You have to start showing up."

"I know, I know," Quan nodded stressfully, "I promise after break, I got you."

"You got me?" Mr.Boyd chuckled, "Do you got you?"

Quan looked down, as even in a joking matter he knew Mr. Boyd had posed a question he couldn't answer. He believed he was doing what was right by spending his time making fast money, especially now that his family needed it.
Contrary to popular belief, Quan liked school - biology definitely being his favorite subject. Mr. Boyd wasn't too bad of a teacher either, and if it wasn't for the block Quan would be in attendance every day.

"I do, but I also got other things on my plate right now."

"Are these other things as important as your education?" Mr. Boyd spiked his brow.

"Some would say so" Quan shrugged, "...Is that it? Because I have to —"

"You're failing my class, Mr. Swedenburg. As you know, you need this class to graduate. Six more months until the year is up, what are you going to do to change it?"

Mr. Boyd sure was persistent - a regular motivational speaker to his students as he tried to encourage them to finish strong instead of jumping on the chance to fail them.

As a man that was a product of the streets himself, Mr.Boyd understood the mindset of most Black teenage boys. Stuck in a cycle - one he was determined to break even if that meant getting on their damn nerves.

"What can I do?" Quan asked.

"I'm glad you asked." Mr. Boyd smirked, causing Quan to roll his eyes over.

"I created a packet of all the major assignments you missed, finish it and you get a passing grade that you will still have to maintain, of course."

He reached into his desk, pulling out a thick packet of worksheets and handing it to Quan.

There goes my winter break. He thought to himself.

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