Chapter 1

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I floated in the water current, letting it take me whenever it wanted to take me. This is how I spent my time now since I wasn't really needed at the look out any more. I was now a support pup like Everest, Tracker, and the newest members Tuck and Ella.

I heard the bubbles of fish swim past me. So I help out the people of barkingberg now. It's a peaceful town but once in a while, they have a problem that normally I can help figure out. I guess you can say I was stationed here by Ryder so they wouldn't have to come here as often. Now that's not to say they don't, they do if the situation requires more gear than I have.

My pup tag beeped, making me stop and listen to it.

"Sapphire the princess needs some help. Her pups toy has gone missing and she can't find it." I swam to the direction of barkingberg, telling Iris I'll be there shortly. I jumped high enough to get onto the brick sidewalk and become a pup.

I ran the rest of the way to the castle, I turned the corner and bumped into someone, er somepup. She was small, white and had a pink tiara on her head. However I wasted no more time, so after making sure they weren't hurt I went on my way.

"Very sorry!" I called out as I went back to running. The white pup, however, just stood dumbfounded.

"She couldn't be one of them....." She told her self, before walking away.


"I'm here!" I said coming up to the group of the princess, iris and the Earl. The princess clapped her hands together in happiness.

"Oh please! Find busby!" She said while pulling out a picture. It was a little thing in Knight's armor. Alright simple I guess, they just needed more paws to look for sweetie's toy.

"Iris, wanna help?" I asked her and she nodded. She helped with looking in higher places. I used my nose to sniff for plastic or metal. While walking I looked at the suits or knight armor.

Something beeped in one of them and apparently shaken cause one the suits came apart. Failing to the floor I managed to get out the way, and squeaking to my feet was the toy in question. Iris came upon the noise of metal failing but sighed in relief on seeing me alright.

"Huh....your...Busby." I said picking it up with my mouth, it squeaked in response. I ran back into the throne room. Upon entering I saw the white pup I bumped into in the city, in shock I opened my mouth and dropped the toy.

It beeped and ran to the pup.

"Busby! I'm so glad you're back! Thank you so much!" The pup said gratefully. I nodded, smiling. Iris and the others talked among themselves. The white pup approached me.

"I'm Sweetie." She started. Sweetie looked at my collar.

"You're apart of the paw patrol?" She asked. I nodded, my tail wagging a bit.

"You have a puptag. Are you part of the paw patrol too?" I asked her, tail wagging a bit at some conversation. She nodded no and pawed her tag.

"Oh goodness no, the princess won't even let me out of her sight most times. It's so people know I'm the princess's pup." She said and we both laughed a little at her joke.

"Ruff ruff, tools." I said, and my pup pack undid itself, showing off its claw and net cannon and sweetie awed at my equipment. I barked again it folded back up.

"We should totally hang out more!" She said, standing up and her tail wagging in excitement. I heard iris call for me and we had to leave. Leaving I looked back at sweetie, she smiled genuinely back at me.


Soon as iris and sapphire left, sweetie dropped the nice act. She was riding on the fact the suit of armor Busby was in would fall on her.

"I was so close. Busby, help me come up with a different plan." The toy simply flashed and beeped, following her. She sat in her bed thinking about the new pup.

"Though I did enjoy her company a bit. And she is that pup that people keep talking about. I'm going to have to step my game up if I want that crown." The toy flashed.

"Maybe I could meet with her tomorrow!" The toy made a sad noise. Sweetie layed her head down.

"Yeah, your right. I won't be let anywhere. Without the princess knowing of course." The toy flashed again. Then, a plan started to come into play on her mind.


The next day sweetie asked if she could go to the library. She was allowed to if I went with her. I didn't mind but stayed at the door and napped, seeing as dogs weren't really allowed into the library.

"Perfect." Sweetie laughed while snorting. I layed on my side out of the sun beaming into the doorway.

"Pss..." A voice said, being muffled I guess from outside the front door. Automatically my left ear stood attention to the sound but I didn't care enough to see who it was.

"Hey, your Sapphire right? Psss hey." They said louder. I was about to look when I heard sweetie call me. They whined when I left.

"Hey Sapphire, is this the merpups?" She asked, pushing a book over the table to me after I jumped onto a chair next to her. I looked at the pictures people have drawn of the merpups. For the most part, it was accurate.

"Yeah, pretty is it?" I asked her while smiling. She nods. I don't think she knows I'm one of them in disguise. I read what they knew about merpups.

"Not many are seen, if at all, but under a phase, the moon goes similar to a blue moon you have a chance to see one." I then skipped a few lines, skipping over the details already knowing them. Before I could continue to read, sweetie spoke.

"I want to bring them back. This town has a history of water, I want to know if we are connected." She said putting a paw on one of the pictures.

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