19. Forgiveness & Falling

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Lou Lou's P.O.V

I woke up today in an extremely good mood that made me feel like screaming with joy

I have forgiven Harreh

I just can't stand to be without him, he completes my jigsaws for me (my absolute fave is the one I have of mary poppin's face)

So today I am going to go to school because I think I have recovered from my mental breakdown.

I began to stroll down the stairs

I fell down the stairs

In school

Where oh where may Harreh be

I search high and low. In the lockers, under chairs, behind pictures on the walls.

I felt a sudden pain in the back of my leg, SOMEONE JELLY LEGGED ME!

I turned around to see an unfamiliar face

"Greetings and good day"
"I hate to be rude but you are in my way"

I began to yelp for help


"No, no don't be afraid"
"For here I have laid"
"On this towel a strand of hair not from a girl"
"But a single, brown curl"

I knew from that curl, the beautiful, brown lock it was Harreh's

"What have you done to Harreh?!"

He said nothing and just simply rolled of on his pink heeleys

He can not just roll off and not pay for what he's done, I will rescue Harreh even if it's the last thing I ever do.

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