29. Farewells and Freemans

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1 and 1/2 years later + 5 days

Loulou's POV

omigosh egg

What is happening nooooooo egg nooooooo

There's about 1 billion and 4 cracks on him he's going shatter

Oh dear what am I going to tell my Harreh

I should should never have dropped down that hill. All I wanted was a good roll is that too much to ask it's not my fault he fell out of my butt crevices.


"Harreh I missed you me and egg have had a whale of a time"
"Shut it ya muppet" Harreh screamed

"Oiiiiii boiiiiii don't you sass me I'm the sass master from Doncaster "

Suddenle Harreh noticed eggs cracks and no not that butt crack variety yall.

"What happened to my likkle egg man?!? Did you molest him?"


Trembling what is happening

Egg is emerging from his Shelly dream house how is this possible he's a virgin



And out popped........

Morgan freeman!!

"Oh wow I always wanted a black one"I exclaimed

"This is the final straw loulou im out" "roger that"

"And I'm taking Morgan with me"

"Noooooooooooooooooooooo not my morganmuffin " I wept

"Donde esta la carraterra"Harreh said his head tilting

"Oh Harreh that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me"

"Harreh, I just want to say you are my bffl, the jam to my nostril, the wax to my ear and the light of my life"

"Si loulou" he courtsied

"Remember all the happy times we have spent over the last week, remember I bought you a possum?"

"So loulou"

"Well I guess this is goodbye ttfn" I waved like a jolly rancher

Harreh hopped on his broomstick and flew away to god knows where holding Morgan by his earlobe.

This has been the most eventful week of my life.. what a shame I'll probably forget it cus I'm secretly an elephant lol

See ya xoxo xox loulou tonlimson over and out

Word to ya mum

I like your buns hun (Larry)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin