2: Beautiful behinds and beastiality

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Louis' POV:

I walked through the main doors and headed to my locker. As I strutted down the corridor, several people, even boys, stopped and stared at me. I mean I am a mind blowingly handsome guy! I winked at them, flipped my feathery locks, lifted up my pink vest and flashed them my nips.

I finished the trek to my locker and looked around for my Irish bitch Neil. I couldn't see him anywhere. As I opened my locker, something bounded out of it!

"Ahhhhhh don't rape me!!!" I screamed and fell to the floor in a foetal position. I slowly began to cry as I heard my little ragamuffin Neil speak softly as he stroked my tecrum.

"I'm so sorry lou Lou I didn't mean to frighten you!!"

I finally stopped crying and managed to stutter out "I-it's al-alright n-Neil, but can we p-please j-just sp-spoon for a w-while?"

"Of corse we can Lou Lou! do u even have to ask!"

He quickly lay down beside me in the middle of the corridor and hugged me from behind.

The corridors cleared as everyone headed off to there lessons but we stayed put.

We lay there for about an hour and a half before we heard someone clear their throat.

I looked up slowly and saw the most angelic behind I have seen in my whole entire lifetime! It made my boy parts tremble, my anaconda do. It does indeed.

The beauty's behind made me want to pound him roughly. I would but I don't think it's the right time or place.

I wonder if I should ask him if he wants to grab some scones with me, then we could pound.

What am I even thinking!! I can't ask him out for scones because Neil is here and he doesn't know I'm gay! He knows I tried out beastiality with my rabbit pongo once because he joined in, but other than that he has no idea.

Ahhh what the heck!!!!

"I like your buns hun" I spoke before I fully thought it through.

"What did you say?" the fine excuse of a fella turned around to look at me and Neil who were still on the floor.

Oh pickles!!! what have I got myself in to? I want mumsy!!!!

I like your buns hun (Larry)Where stories live. Discover now