"I got most of them because I just liked the way they looked together but most of them don't have a meaning except this one on my chest." I spoke to her with a small smile, happy at her interest and she nodded along still enhanced but then she raised an eyebrow.

"What does the one on your chest mean?" My smiled dropped and heart beat sped up slightly, my body temperature rising. I frowned thinking over the decisions of telling her or not.

"I totally understand if you don't want to say, I didn't mean to pry." She said obviously taking note of my frown. I shook my head, if I didn't tell her, she would be bothered about me hiding something from her and I wanted everything between us to be the truth, nothing less.

"No it's fine. They where just a few words my parents said to me." I said a lump growing in my throat. Unwanted memories where flashing in my brain but I drowned them out with picturing Sophie instead.

"What words?" She asked confused, probably why I would get something like that tattooed, especially on my chest, near my heart. My stomach churned at the thought of telling her about me but for some reason, I thought it would be the best time. We would never get this moment again so why not make it a memorable one.

"Good luck." I whispered, not wanting to remember what was behind those two haunting words but I had to. I needed to tell her.

"What? Why good luck?" She asked confused, just as I expected.

I closed my eyes briefly but opened them again once I heard her call my name.

"Luke, are you okay. You don't need to tell me anything if you don't want to," she spoke sternly but softly at the same time. Could she get any more perfect?

"I'm fine and no it's okay, I really don't mind telling you, it's just all these terrible memories that come from behind these two words." I spoke and she nodded, while squeezing my waist gently, where her hand rested.

"My parents spoke them words to me before I left home. You see, they hated the way I was, just like any normal parents they wanted there kid to be perfect but I wasn't, I was the exact opposite." I told her my heart aching at the memories of my household, I mean my own personal hell.

"That's terrible, please don't tell me they kicked you out," she said, her expression horrified. I moved slightly more closer to her, needing her comfort.

"Well not intentionally. The never actually told me to leave but I heard them talking about it one night and I was only sixteen. Me and my dad argued most of the time and my mum tried to keep the peace but that never worked. When I heard them talking they where speaking about either me leaving them or them leaving me and moving away, either way I was going to end up parent-less." I said remembering the times when my mum cried out her eyes and my dad shouted at her for being too weak over leaving me.

"It wasn't alway that way. Me and my dad use to extremely close, up until I was about fifteen and a half, I got my eyebrow pierced and that's when the first argument started. After that it was always when I came home with a new feature on my face or body. They where so ashamed of me." I mumbled the last bit under my breath but I knew she heard every word.

Sophie looked at me with sympathetic look as I knew she could sense how I was feeling. She pulled me closer to her so now we where only a couple inches apart. She held both of my hands in hers as she bit her lip slightly. I wanted to kiss her so bad but I refrained myself, right now wasn't a good time and it was a bit too soon for that, I was still scared about scaring her away.

"I'm so sorry about that Luke. I don't see how anyone could be ashamed by you, your amazing," she said and I smiled slightly, the situation didn't consume my every thought like it use to, now it was her that took up most of my thoughts. Her and her cuteness.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault at all and it all got better after I met Michael and then moved in with Ashton." I said and she smiled slightly.

"Good." Her smile was contagious as I felt myself slowly smile too.

We froze when we heard a knock on the door, Sophie frowned looking scared and then quickly scrambled of the bed.

"Quickly go hide in the bathroom," she said to me and I did as she said. My heart raced as I got up and ran to the bathroom, a small pain shooting up my side from the impact of running.

I got in the bathroom silently and quickly shut the door, keeping the light switched off. If that was one of her parents, it wouldn't looked suspicious.

I heard shuffling and mumbling from behind the door and I felt exhilarated, it was exciting and frightening at the same time. Sophie would be in such big trouble if her parents found about me now and this way, they probably hated the type of guy I was.

I would of course take all the blame if we where caught but they could never break us up, living without her would be impossible if I couldn't even go a day without longing for her.

I felt a relief when the door suddenly opened and standing there was Sophie. She looked out of breath as her chest moved up and down, trying to take in as much air she could.

"What happened? Who was at the door?" I fired questions at her and we walked back to her bed.

"It was my dad, he came to check up on me and wanted to see why I was still awake but I had grabbed a book so I told him I was reading. It was so close though, he kept on looking in the direction of the bathroom." I laughed happy that we had gotten saved.

I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and rested my chin on her shoulder, needing her comfort. I felt her relax into my hold and I was glad, I could make her calm. Warmth spread through my body as I held her, no words could describe how perfect out body's connected together.

"Your like my superhero, you know that?" I asked her, completely speaking the truth, however. She had saved me in more ways than she thought.

"No I'm not," she giggled, a light and carefree sound but she was much quieter than before, obviously not wanting her parents to hear and not understanding the concept that she was my saviour.

"You are, don't ever deny it." I said sternly nuzzled my head in the crook of her neck, my hair tickling her, making her laugh again and squirm away. I hardly had done anything but she was laughing so hard, making me happy that I could put a smile on her face.

"No no, don't you dare." She said squealing slightly and moving across the room, jumping on the bed.

"I did nothing." I spoke to her unbelievable tone, jumping next to her. She covered her neck with both her hands.

"My neck is extremely ticklish, so please don't okay." She pleaded me not to do anything but I just chuckled, like that would ever happen. I don't think I could ever stop if I tried.

"Okay fine." I said not entirely speaking the truth. She smiled, her teeth showing and I don't think she could have looked any prettier. Her teeth weren't the perfect set but they suited her so well and I couldn't help but love them just the way they where.


I dedicated this day on writing this chapter even though I had a 1000 word essay to do for my business class, oops. Anyway I am drowning in homework so please note that if I don't update soon that is the reason. I can't believe that I already have 6k reads on this book, it is unbelievable. Thank you all so much for reading and voting and commenting. You's are the best readers.

Nisha x

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