18 | Sophie

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I emerged back into the living room, to see Luke and Michael eating the pizza Michael had just bought. The smell wafted through the room and I was starving, but even then my heart still hadn't stopped pounding, the touch of Luke's lips on mines still lingering there, not helping the situation of the butterflies flying away in my stomach.

I walked slowly and took the seat next to Luke, leaving a couple inches of space between us but i couldn't brush the feeling of us so close away, if only Michael hadn't walked in, we would have kissed. My first ever kiss. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like and I wanted to know how it felt, especially with Luke.

I reached over and picked up one of the slices of pizza from the box, noticing how Michael and Luke looked like they where having a conversation with their eyes. I started nibbling on my slice of pizza as both of them carried on.

It was around about one-thirty and I knew I would have to leave in less than two hours, arriving home at the usual time I got home from school. Mum and dad working during the after noon so I didn't need to worry about them catching me. Hopefully I would get away with skipping school with ease.

"So have you asked her yet?" Michaels voice broke me out of my thoughts and I looked at him, his question was directed to Luke but I wondered if he was talking about me. I waited for Luke's response but didn't turn out the way I wanted as he shot Michael a annoyed look.

"Man, you need to do it. Ashton's right and of course, you's aren't getting any younger," he wiggled his eyebrow at Luke and Luke whacked Michael's arm. Now I was really confused, what was he talking about? I hated it when things where being kept from me.

"I will, just not right now." Luke spoke up for the first time and Michael rolled his eyes.

"You don't need to be a coward, I could do it for you if you wanted." I think they where forgetting that I was sitting not even a meter away from both of them.

"I can do it myself," he snapped at Michael and I frowned, why swallowing the bit of pizza in my mouth. What was he getting so worked up over?

I reached out my free hand and took a hold of his which was lying by his leg. I could feel him relax under my touch and my heart beat picked up, I loved that I was the cause of calming him down.

Michael saw the gesture and shot Luke a smirk.

"See, she obviously cares about you so you've got nothing to worry about," he stated to Luke, pointing at our linked hands. On reflex I pulled it back but Luke was fast and took a hold of it again, giving me a remorse look.

"What's he talking about Luke?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow. Michael took another slice of pizza, resting back in his seat. Watching us with a smile etched on his face.

"Yeah Luke what am I talking about?" He tauntingly spoke to Luke.

"Shut up Michael and I'm not a coward, I can manage just fine on my own. I don't need you to tell her anything so, it would be awesome if you could kindly leave so I could speak to Sophie alone." Luke tilted his head, directing it to the door and Michael put both his hand up in surrender but a knowing smile was on his face, as if he knew this would be Luke's reaction.

"Gladly and oh, don't do anything I wouldn't do." He bickered, standing up and taking a hold of the pizza box.

"Shut your face Michael, we all know what you would do if you where alone with your soulmate." Luke bluntly told him, and my cheeks tinted with pink slightly, understanding what they where talking about. Oh.

"True." Michael shrugged his shoulders and slipped out the door way.

Luke turned to me and I looked at him with as much intensity, that was directed at me. I bit the corner of my lip and his gaze flickered down at then, I quickly stopped what I was doing. He eyes then caught back onto mine and I cleared my throat.

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