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"Why you ask me to save you?"
I eventually weird because the girl who can contact me wanted to save her
"Its because..."
She was sobbing and dropping much of tear for the sadness that she have
"Only I was alive on home, I'm afraid to be alone. Please, I'm begging to you, take me to your home."
I was shocked and don't know what to said, hard decision for me to save the girl who can contact me on my own dream or leave her alone. But my heart seem like wanted to save her. I absolutely want to save her.
"Sure I help you, but where did you live?"
"I didn't have home, I always walking anywhere to find something to eat and sleep, so far I'm still alive and I guess not far from you"
"Where do you stay now"
"RE street"
I was not thinking RE street was far, but RE street was much of people who lost fight on gambling and robbing whoever stay there to get easy money to play that game again, for me its dangerous to go overthere. But I'm still want to save her and bring her home, hopefully she will be fine if stay in my home
"I will meet you tomorrow, if you saw me then, just say my name."
She was cheerful for knowing I will help her
"I glad you will save me. Well, what your name?"
"Just call me Furos."
"Fu- what?"
I was smile that she was hard to said my name
"Furost, got it"
She smile so happy to know my name
"Then, see you again Furost!"
"See you again kimina!"

And finally the cloud of contact mind was disappeared from my mind. I was woke up from my special chair and go to the kitchen to take a can of coffee and sip slowly while thinking how to save that girl who was stay on RE street. I eventually can't bring anything dangerous to make it for a weapon or something much defensive for me or I will get caught for making a crime or vandalism. In this case, my own bare hand and the black dark hoodie can help me to make through from this situation. My plan was ready to settled, I should buy Item at market first for my preparation for tomorrow.

At the market, I was planning to take some of drink and some ciggarate for going on RE street. I was pick 5 energy drink and some small food for tomorrow and a pack of cigarette.
When I was out from the market, the outside situation feel weird no sound I heard on my street, then I was light my cigarette while walking by the street toward to my home. unfortunately my light on cigarette was gone cause by the rain. I was running to the bus stop across the street and light my cigarette back. While I'm waiting the rains gone, I was recognised that was a girl seem like underage almost like 12 years old girl with white hair sitting on bus stop bench.
I was looking at her so weird, why would a girl that average 12 years doing at the bus stop and sitting over here?
While my cigarette was already burn, I decide to talk to that girl
"Hey girl, are you okay?"
She was no respond at all, not a single move I saw on her.
I guess she don't want to talk yet
When I try to look at the moon. I was looking at it and stare to it. Looking it how beautiful this night with a rain falling toward
That sound like something fell of.
When I was look back. That girl was fell of from the bench and land on the floor.
"Hey, are you alright?"
She open her eyes and stare at me and said
"Save me too please...."
I was shocked she ask me to save her. But more weirdest is why she said 'too'?
Without thinking to much, I decide to bring her home and didn't care with the rain that falling through.

When already at home. I put her on my bed for let her rest well. I was sitting on the chair and wanted to rest for a little bit and close my eyes
I was almost fell asleep,
Im so tired today and weak
Maybe I can be strong tomorrow
The girl voice was heard by me when I almost sleeping
"I'm-home now..."

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