Mysterious Box

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My name is Furos, I'm 17 years old, while im still schooling, the best thing I do like is being alone every day and never talk to people, I have no friend seen I was born, the cause i didn't get a friend it because The tragic accident on me, I was get crashed by a Container truck and I was catch up dead, the weird thing is I was alive, still breathing like normal, no bone break on my body, no wound on my chest, It's was a miracle that I still alive. That case make people scared that I was a "nightmare" for them. They thinking I can make all people suffer and more bad things to them, but all that though is wrong.

My parents died after I accident when I was 12 years old, I was no idea why they died, and why they leave me alone.
I live with my own self. No one help me even friend, I earn money from the insurance of life from my parent, all the money is much from enough for 20 years, but that won't make me happy.

The thing I always do is writing, playing video games,watching movies and sitting on the special chair for myself to thinking about everything.

On morning saturday, I got a mail and a box from a girl called "Kimina". The mail writed said "Please take care me, I will pleasure to help you, I promise" what a live this mail is about.

I bring the box to my room for keeping it on my store, when I try to hold the box, the box fell on and it opened, it was a clothing of a girl, it's looks like for a maid but it coloured red, maybe it a special maid for it.

I keep the clothing of red maid on my closet and I keep it with kind. It was shocked that I heard a girl laugh and said "You were so funny" I didn't say anything for that sound "come on, you didn't want to talk with me?" The voice It's clearly on my own mind, I try to ask normal from my mouth. It's no respond at all

I'm sitting on my special chair for thinking what should I do for contact this "girl" on my own mind. Then I get an Idea to contact her, I try to contact her on my mind, something happend so badly on my body, So strange that I can't feel my body so deeply, and then I was fell out, I was Inside my own mind. It was unbelievable I can see my own mind. It's darkness, nothing special I can do on it.

"Hahaha, hey you, over here" the girl who wear the same red maid clothing was calling me to meet me, so weird and no Idea why she calling me, I was walking toward to that girl and ask her a few question
"Who are you was"
"Did you forgot already?"
"Forgot what?"
"My own name,kimina. Remember?"
"How you can contact me on my mind?"
"It because and accident I get. I got stroke by a thunder so bad, I was greatful I am still alive. I also heard you had a bad tragic to from a bad accident"
I was shocked she know about myself was getting that accident. I was curious how she know all about me.
"How did you know about that?"
"People always said about you and that case was knew by much countries"
"What do you want from me?"
She was coming toward to me
"I want you..."
She hold my hand so tight, It's was first time I feel that sensation on my life, while she very close to me, she crying and said
" me please"

help me please"

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