Chapter 5

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The unexpected return of the groups of disciples from different peaks who had been given missions in the border had come with disorganized chaos over Qian Cao Peak.

That had unfortunately disrupted his discussion with Mu Qingfang as the head healer's presence was necessary for those severely injured disciples.

Since Mu Qingfang has asked him to stay, promising that he'd be back quickly, Shen Qingqiu entertained himself by browsing through shelves of medical books. What interests

There was a heavy footstep outside that Shen Qingqiu didn't pay any attention to, with so many injured it's given that Qian Cao Peak disciples will be running all over the place to have everyone treated, which was why he was startled when someone push the door open and saw Liu Qingge standing there.

Shen Qingqiu can physically feel the repulsion begin rolling off him in waves, and his expression darkens as quickly and heavily as a rainstorms. It's the height of medical unprofessionalism to deny a patient treatment due to personal grudges. Fortunately, Shen Qingqiu is a scholar and nowhere near a medical professional.

Shen Qingqiu still conflicted around Liu Qingge especially not after that man know everything about him. Though he had abide by his promise not to tell anyone, it unnerves Shen Qingqiu for the man to treat him with patience and tolerance. At least, he didn't treat him like some fragile glass like he did when he woke up from his fever. That still sent shivers on his spine whenever he remembers.

He didn't want to be seen like a coward who would run away the second he see him so he stayed. But don't expect him to actually say anything, even an insult, would be to acknowledge his presence, so Shen Qingqiu remains silent, deciding instead to inspect the shelves of books. He hears a huff of breath and- much to his dismay- the sound of footsteps coming closer as the door slides close.

"Well, hello to you too," Liu Qingge's voice is gruff, accompanied by the clattering of wood as he takes a seat on one the chairs of the infirmary. Shen Qingqiu gives an indignant little huff. Clearly the lout doesn't realize where he's not wanted.

Shen Qingqiu grabs a nearby book and starts reading to kill some time while waiting for Mu QingFang to come back. He just wants to look busy so that Liu Qingge could get the clue and leave. "No one is here to treat you, so you might as well leave," Shen Qingqiu snipes curtly, not even turning to face the other.

Liu Qingge gives a grunt of reply, and Shen Qingqiu can hear the clatter of random things falling to the ground. "I know," Liu Qingge responds. "So I'm going to treat myself. Do you have a problem with that?"

Shen Qingqiu does, many in fact, his presence alone is offensive enough for him. But it would be far too undignified to burst into a rant about it right now, and most of it would be lost on someone like Liu Qingge, who already knows Shen Qingqiu's thoughts on the offensiveness of his existence.

There are sounds of movement and of tearing, and Shen Qingqiu is about to turn around and tell Liu Qingge to just get the hell out if he got everything he needed. Liu Qingge had removed his blood-stained outer robes and rolled the sleeve draping on his arm, he currently has a roll of gauze in his hand as he tries to wind out around a deep looking cut on his arm. What irks Shen Qingqiu is the way that Liu Qingge has the loose end of the bandage in his mouth, trying to tear it with his teeth. How unsanitary!

"Stop, stop, what are you doing?" Shen Qingqiu exclaims, words shooting out of his mouth at a rapid pace as he snatches the cloth out of Liu Qingge's grasp. "You use this small knife to cut this, not rip it apart with your teeth like some barbarian!"

Liu Qingge looks bewildered and fails to respond for all of the two seconds that Shen Qingqiu waits before going on. "Knife, these are supposed to be used," Shen Qingqiu explains condescendingly, as if he were speaking to a toddler, and snatches a pair of said tools off the table. "We cut it. What kind of pathetic young master are you, a warrior who fails to even understand the concept of cutting?"

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