Chapter 4

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If there's one thing that Shen Qingqiu hates the most, it's getting sick.

He's a goddamn peak lord now and as a cultivator he should have been invulnerable to ailments such as this. But curse his unstable cultivation on why he still had to suffer from a sudden fever!

There's also, of course, paperwork and cultivators who commits crime or demons and incompetent students, but being sick is definitely up there, because Shen Qingqiu literally cannot move without the entire world spinning and he was supposed to be handling all the sect affairs in place of the sect leader while Yue Qingyuan is away for diplomatic talks with other sects.

He barely managed to be enough in his right mind to send off a message talisman to Qian Cao Peak before he collapsed in the nearest chair, sneezing and coughing, so the unexpected opening of the door is most certainly not welcome.

Shen Qingqiu gets as far as standing – okay, flailing – up into his usual dignified self, when Liu Qingge steamrolls through the door and Shen Qingqiu gets as far as blinking dumbly up at him before he felt like falling while Liu Qingge takes one look, raises an eyebrow, and manhandles him upright, chattering the whole way as he guide him back to the chair.

"What – how – Liu –" Shen Qingqiu was already disoriented from the haze of the fever.

"You look like shit." Liu Qingge says

Shen Qingqiu tries to puff up indignantly. He mostly fails. "I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

Liu Qingge pointedly pokes him in the forehead, and ow, okay, yes, that really hurt, Shen Qingqiu's not going to lie, and also it's making the world spin again, and before he knows it he's vomiting out what little he managed to choke down yesterday into a bucket Liu Qingge conjures hastily.

"Yes, I can totally see that you are a perfectly capable individual right now," Liu Qingge says dryly over Shen Qingqiu's heaves.

"How'd you get past the –"

Liu Qingge didn't even bother answering him as he checks his pulse. Liu QingGe looking up at him in horror was the last thing Shen Qingqiu could remember before the other hoisted him up in his arms and carried him somewhere and then everything had turned completely dark.

When Shen Qingqiu wakes up and sees a different ceiling than the pleasing green of his bamboo house in Qing Jing peak, he remembered that he was currently staying in Qiong Ding during the sect leader's absence.

His second thought is for Liu Qingge, and it's that thought that sends him bolt upright in bed, panicked and wheezing through the pain that flashes all over his body. Out of all the people who have to see him in such miserable state was that guy!

And why does his head hurt so much as if someone bashed his head on the wall!

"Shen Qingqiu!" Liu Qingge barks while pushing him back down in the bed, and a distant part of Shen Qingqiu wants to sneer at the owner of that voice automatically, instinct after being in dispute with him for so long, and he pauses midway through attempting to try and push him away. "Stop moving! You're still recovering."

"What are you doing here?"

"Checking on you obviously." Liu Qingge shrugged. He placed a hand on top of Shen Qingqiu's forehead to check his temperature and then he also check his pulse, holding his wrist in an uncharacteristically gentle manner that made Shen Qingqiu raise an eyebrow.

Once he was done checking his pulse, he placed an arm behind his back and help him to sit up. "Drink this medicine." he handed him a medicinal concoction that Shen Qingqiu drank in confusion as to why Liu Qingge was acting strange and then followed by a cup of water.

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