Chapter 3

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In Liu Qingge's defense, he doesn't walk into accidents often. In fact, it happens so rarely that he can count all the deplorable occurrences in one hand ever since he started cultivating. He had usually use brute force for any problems he would encounter and it's near impossible for him to fall in any sticky situation.

But things just doesn't go the usual way they do.

It's not like he had never gone on a mission with Shen Qingqiu before. He wasn't sure if their masters still haven't sensed their contempt and decided in risking injury and failure among the combined team of Bai Zan and Qing Jing at the hands of their inevitable bickering. Throw in some careless martial siblings into the equation and yes, he's walking, running, barreling into troublesome situations.

"Don't touch it ...."

A forewarning can't be considered a forewarning if it comes after the damage is done and that martial sibling who keeps poking at things that he shouldn't be doesn't seem to be understanding that. Liu Qingge acted on instinct tackling away that disciple from Qing Jing and getting hit by some sticky liquid that creature just spit at him.

The moment of realization that follows afterwards feels almost anticlimactic.

He had already accounted that this mission will be very troublesome, but he hadn't added being poisoned due to stupidity of another to the list of possible deaths following the decision. Honestly, that's much more likely to get him before whatever got into his system.

He heard someone or people screaming around him but the sound seemed so distant, the world seemed to be spinning as he was already losing consciousness with his body felt terribly numb and cold.

The first time he regained consciousness. It's dark and Liu Qingge is freezing.

Then he registers someone trying to pull at him. He can't see who that person is but instinctively knew it was Shen Qingqiu, if anyone in the team had an extensive knowledge about poisons, then it's only him. There's a babbling sound, which is probably meant to be soothing, but Liu Qingge isn't fooled.

No way would Shen Qingqiu be anything but comforting.

The hands stop and the babbling sounds pause and there's shuffling. Liu Qingge feels himself dip as a weight is deposited on the bed. He hears muffled words and feels a gentle hand on his forehead. Liu Qingge stills. He tries to open his eyes but they won't cooperate, so he concentrates on the words instead, allowing them to become more distinct as he relaxes.

"You're alright," says the voice, it's a bit disconcerting how gentle the voice with, but then again why does he keep thinking that it's Shen Qingqiu who was looking after him. For all he cares, that guy probably pushed the job to one of his shimeis.

That's it! That can be the only explanation for this. No way would that Shen Qingqiu be gentle or caring towards him. With that in mind he sleeps.

The next time he regained consciousness, Liu Qingge wakes and finds that everything is hot and blurry. He hears noises rather than words and he can't tell if that's because nobody is speaking or if he just can't hear. He can also see this time, but not very well. It's as though a haze has settled over the room, muting colors and blurring the edges of everything.

Someone was looking at him and checking his pulse. Despite his hazy vision he knew well that familiar green robes and stature. He wanted to move but his body fails him. But he felt a touch on his shoulder and he could distinctly hear Shen Qingqiu telling him something but he couldn't understand it.

Shen Qingqiu was probably dissing him again.

He slides back into the dark.

Liu Qingge wakes once more, this time to bright lights and purring vibrating deep in his bones. His vision is clear and the room is very quiet. They were definitely not back at Cang Qiong Mountains and he faintly recognize that this was the inn they stayed at a few days back.

Now that Liu Qingge was coherent enough with the poison finally flushed out from his body the first thing he thought was: Damn it, he owes Shen Qingqiu again!

The door creaked open making Liu Qingge snap his head up in that direction and saw Shen Qingqiu enter with a bowl of medicinal concoction in hand. He looked surprised when he saw him sitting up but quickly change back to his usual stoic expression.

"How are-"

"Blame your martial siblings, they were the ones who were unnecessarily poking around." Liu Qingge said the first thing with a tone of defensiveness. He didn't even let Shen Qingqiu finish whatever he was going to say. Liu Qingge just shrugged. He probably won't like to hear it anyways.

That was why he missed how Shen Qingqiu twitch at his haughtiness. "You should be thanking me instead." Shen Qingqiu huffed "Who do you think has to deal with making an antidote and looking after you. Why the hell are you messing with things you shouldn't be messing with?"

"I don't owe you anything for this." Liu Qingge "I was a victim here."

"Yes you do! Do you know how many rare herbs had been use to make a cure for?"

"No I don't!" Liu Qingge furrows his brows. He knew he was being stubborn but all of this really wouldn't happen if Shen Qingqiu had reign in his martial siblings properly in the first place.

"Even if you don't want to admit," Shen Qing slams the bowl of medicine by the table out of irritation "You better pay for those expensive medicines or is young master Liu having trouble with his finances?" He taunted.

Liu Qingge was astonished at his shamelessness. They're from Cang Qiong Peaks and those rare and expensive herbs that he talks about might as well be weeds in Qian Cao Peak, yet he's charging him!

"Fine" Liu Qingge sneered at him.

"Good!" Shen Qingqiu walks out and slam the door shut with a loud bang.

Liu Qingge was irritated that he went back to sleep and swore a childish oath that he'd make Shen Qingqiu owe him a favor and slap it in his face.

It was probably the start in where they actively kept poking in each other's business to make each other owe them a favor. Waiting for a chance for the other to slip up and help them just for the sole purpose of pissing off the other.

The people around them especially their masters didn't know whether to laugh or cry with their weird friendship.

You owe me! [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now