Am I really that toxic? | Chapter 4

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Kaila was currently hanging out with Nekomi and Philia in a nearby park.

Nekomi and Philia were chatting, seated comfortably on the soft, green grass. She waited for the conversion to get interesting before she would join, and so it did.

"I have a feeling America-kun has feelings for you, Philia-chan~"

"I-I wouldn't go that far! we're just close friends!" Philia defended, a slight pink hue spread across her face.

"Oh yes, famous relationship starting words." Nekomi smirked.

"Oh hush."

"Teka lang, na in love ba si ate Philia ko~" -(Wait a sec, is my sister Philia in love~) Kaila teased, hanging off the branch.

"Magtahimik ka!" - (Be quiet!)

"You guys do realize that I can't understand, right?" Nekomi inserted, silencing all three girls.

All of a sudden Kaila started laughing her lungs out, due to that she hit her head on the tree. Causing the other two to burst out laughing as well.

-a few minutes later-

After their little hang-out at the park, the girls made their separate ways and returned home.

Kaila whoever, stopped halfway, remembering that they are in need of more food back at home. So she decided to use the remaining of her free time buying groceries.

Once she had bought everything needed, she made her way home.

She entered the house whom she shared with three countries and was met with grumpy America, sitting on the couch, on his phone.

She ignored him and made her way to the kitchen table, setting the bag of groceries down.

"Did you bring any soda?" America asked Kaila, rolled her eyes to the country's immediate question.

"You shouldn't really drink that much soda, Ame-

"Says the alcoholic, just answer my damn question." he cut her off, slightly annoying the female human.

"Looks like someones in a bad mood." she sassed, earning a piercing glare from the Country.

He made his way towards her.

"Just answer the damn question."

Kaila simply shrugged, unaffected by the American.

"I dunno, you check it yourself, aren't you independent?" she smirked.

At this point, America had enough.

He punched Kaila in the face, resulting in her to kick him in the stomach afterward.

"You're not on guard." she pointed out, making the country more upset as he clutched his stomach.

America ran towards her, gripping her arm, twisting it, then slammed her to the ground.
Kaila let out a small yelp at the pain of the impact.

She managed to get up, glaring at the country as blood dripped down her mouth.

"That all you got?" she taunted.

He gripped the girl's neck and shoved her into the wall, causing her to flinch.

"..h-ha! You think that'll scare me?.." She managed to breathe out, despite the harsh grip on her neck.

"We were only gone for half an hour and you two are already trying to kill each other?!"

Kaila turn her head a little bit, having to be met with an angry Germany and disappointed Russia.

"America let her go!" Germany demanded.

"She's just a human. This can kill her!" the Russian joined in.

Yet their scolding fell on deaf ears.



America gritted his teeth, loosening his grip on the human girl.

Finally, he let her go.

Kaila panted, hand caressing her neck as Germany and Russia ran to her aid.

"She started it."

Their heads shot up to look at the American with a disappointed look.

"America please-"

"She started it! If she only didn't bother annoying me this wouldn't have happened! Stop playing the victim Kaila!-"

"Oh shut up!" she groaned.

"This is the exact reason why I hate the world in the first place! Everything's so toxic!"

"That's always what you say! Toxic this, Toxic that! Take a good look at yourself for once."

She froze. The last sentence alone felt like a sword stabbing through her.


"America." Germany scolded.

Kaila stood up, making her way to the American, who stood there defensively.

"Kaila wait, we can talk this out-..." Germany words stopped as soon as Kaila walked past the American.

She was walking to her room.

"Fine! Go ahead and walk out!" America shouted.

And so she did.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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