A day in the present | Chapter 2

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Kaila woke up from her sleep to the lovely sound of yelling. She recognized the two voices, who of course, were America and Russia.

“Those two...” she grumbled, dark aura seeping from her.

“They dare to ruin my morning...”

She slammed the door open, startling the two countries.

“Alright..what the heck happened this time?” she smiled sadistically, causing one to gulp in slight fear.

“U-uh...nothing!”America stuttered, taking a seat at the couch.

Russia blankly shrugged and did the same. A sigh left Kaila's lips as she entered the kitchen.

“Have you guys had breakfast yet?”

“Yes, mom.” America joked.

“How about Germany?” Kaila asked further.

“He's still in his room, won't come out,” Russia replied.

Kaila made her way to Germany's room, carrying a cup of coffee and a plate of toast. She opened the door.

“Yo Germs, have some food.” She called, peeking in his room.

“Thanks, Kaila.” The tired country replied, eyes still glued to his paperwork.

Kaila's lips formed into a straight line as she entered his room and placed down the coffee and toast.

She then swiped some of his paperwork off his desk and quickly took a few steps back.

“What are you doing?”Germany asked.

“Well Germs, you're not the only one working and I thought I could do some of your work,” Kaila answered blankly.

“What, no-” Germany began, only for his sentence to get cut off by Kaila running away from his room.




A few minutes have passed after the chase of Germany and Kaila, with Amercia repeatedly encouraging her to ‘do a barrel roll’.

Germany won, taking back his paperwork before walking back to his room. Let's just say Kaila wasn't satisfied with her loss, which resulted in her dragging Germany out of his room to watch a movie with them. Germany eventually sighed in surrender.

America, Russia, Germany, and Philia were currently preparing for the movie, while Kaila went out to buy some food. At first, Germany insisted that he would do the errand but it ended up with Kaila taking over.

The female human entered the house, carrying a bag of snacks. She took a look at America, being all ‘cool’ and weird because Philia was here. Kaila knew that Joe had took a liking towards her ate -(sister).

“Ok, it's starting!” Philia announced.

They all sat down as Kaila handed out the snacks, and so the movie began.

Halfway through the movie, Russia seemed to be deep in thought. Kaila took notice of this and placed her hand on his arm. Russia looked at her in confusion yet Kaila only responded with a warm smile, resulting in the big country to look away in embarrassment.

“AHH?! WHAT?!” Philia exclaimed, slightly startling everyone. She was clinging into a pillow, eyes focused on the movie. Kaila chuckled at the sight.

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