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     Violet felt something poke her back. Turning around, she saw Rose holding her finger to her lips and a folded piece of paper in her outstretched hand.      

     "Shhh... Take this note, but don't let Mrs. A-bitch see it! Mkay?" Rose pressed the message into her hand.

     Violet turned back to the front of the classroom, suppressing the incriminating smile on her face. She carefully unfolded the note under her desk, wincing at the crackling. She knew Mrs. Avich wouldn't hear it, but she still felt paranoid, and frankly a little guilty.

     Finally unfolding the paper, Violet gazed over Rose's words. She smirked at the usual chicken-scratch handwriting. At first, it had taken her ages to read Rose's impatient lettering, but after many years, it became as easy as ready her own, if not easier.

     'Mrs. A-bitch caught me on my phone again and took it, so I'm writing to you instead. It's not my fault her class is so boring! It's better than falling asleep....' Here, there was a little doodle of Rose snoozing on her desk, a bubble coming out from her nose. It took shocking willpower for Violet to keep from snorting laughing. 'Can we meet at The Garden later? I'm NEEDING some of that choco milkshake right now! Ughhhhh... I will literally die if I don't get some'

     Violet flipped the paper over to write her reply. 'C'mon, cut Mrs. Avich some slack, she has to deal with you every day. And you might be better at staying awake during class if you didn't stay up so late!'  Violet drew a little heart as the dot for her exclamation mark, but immediately regretted doing so and erased it. 

     'We definitely need to go to The Garden! We could share a shake and watch the birds outside or something.'  This attempt was immediately crossed out. After a few more tries, Violet finally got something she felt fine passing back.

      'I'll go with you to The Garden,  as long as you promise to let me help you with the homework while we're there. If we tell your parents we're there so I can tutor you, they might even pay for us!'

     A minute later, Rose delivered her response to what Violet passed back. 'Gosh, what took ya so long to write? It's a date then! We'll meet at the gate by the cherry tree, then head over to The Garden together. I think we should stop passing notes, too... Mrs. A-bitch seems to be watching me.  

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