Chapter 30

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I wake up to the sound of rumbling. I sit up and see Ashton. I glance over at the clock and see it says 7:23. I climb out of bed.

I say " Why didnt you wake me up?"

He says " Because i wanted you to get your sleep. First time you have had a bed in like a week. i was gonna come by and get you later. "

I say " Oh okay. You guys dont need me? "

He says " Everything we need you for, we have schedualed for later. "

I say " Ok, then yeah thats great. Im gonna go back to bed. "

He says " Okay. "

I nod and lean up and kiss him. I walk over to the bed and climb back in. I cuddle myself up to Ashton's side and breath in his sent. I close my eyes and fall asleep. 

~Ashton's POV~

I want this night to be perfect. After all it wil be when i purpose. I havent decided yet. Its gonna be tonight at im gonna meet her at the airport. Tonight is her night to shine. I just dont want her to push herself to hard. We have a special song for her and so does One direction. Im kinda excited because i wrote this song just for her. Its special and its our song for now. We never had a song before.

I look up at the stage. I think this will be great. 

Luke says " Do you guys wanna run through the song before she gets here?"

 I nod and move to my drum set. 

"                                                       For a while we pretended

That we never had to end it
But we knew we'd have to say goodbye
You were crying at the airport
When they finally closed the plane door
I could barely hold it all inside

Torn in two
And I know I shouldn't tell you
But I just can't stop thinking of you
Wherever you are
Wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are

I could fly a thousand oceans
But there's nothing that compares to
What we had, and so I walk alone

I wish I didn't have to be gone
Maybe you've already moved on
But the truth is I don't want to know

Torn in two
And I know I shouldn't tell you
But I just can't stop thinking of you
Wherever you are
Wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are

You can say we'll be together
Nothing lasts forever
Nothing stays the same
So why can't I stop feeling this way

Torn in two
And I know I shouldn't tell you
But I just can't stop thinking of you
Wherever you are
Wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are "

This is perfect. I really hope she likes it. She has been through so much with me. Im really surprized she has stuck around through all the bullshit. 

I have noticed that she hasnt ben wearing her braclets. Ever since that night with Harry. It kinda mkaesme wonder what happened. She has wore one. The one i gave her. It has drumstick together and a Clarinet.  She's different without them. Or maybe its the fact that she almost died last night. Either way. 

Luke walks up to me and shakes his head. 

He says " I can believe shes gonna be gone tommorow. "

I say " just for two day. Its like shes gonne be staying the night somewhere. "

He says " It feels different. "

I say " Yeah i know. Have you noticed that shes hasnt been wearing the braclets? "

He says " Yeah i know it has something to do with Harry. He was talking about it. I wasnt paying much attention. Maybe you should ask him or her. Im sure its not that big of a deal. "

I say " Maybe a promise? "

He says " I wouldnt worry about it. She trusts and loves you. If she didnt she wouldnt have told you about Michael."

I say " Yeah your right. "

He says " I know. Im always right. "

I say " Most of the time. "

He says " Yeah i know. " 

My phone start ringing and Caitlyn's face pops up. I slide it, following the green line. 

A- Ashton

C- Caitlyn

B- Brother

C- Ashton? Someone's here. They say you owe them something. Im not to sure what there talking about. 

A- Caitlyn, go upstairs. There is a small box in my dresser on the top. That what they want. 

C- What is it? 

A- There are three guys there. One of them is my brother. He wants my mothers wedding rind to propuse to his girlfrind.

C- Okay. Stay on the phone with me. 

A- i will. Dont worry. 

I hear rumbling and her footsteps going up the stairs. I know she's gonna feel bad that im giving the ring to him. She might think i dont want to marry her. but little does she know, i do. 

C- Okay i got it. Its beautiful. 

A- Indeed it is. 

C- Okay here he told me to give this to you. Its beautiful. I hope your girlfriend likes it. 

B- So who are you? There house keeper? 

C- Im Ashton's girlfriend. My names Caitlyn. Im also his make up artist. 

B- how long have yall be together? 

C- Almost a year. 

 B- okay good. Keep my little brother in good shape. Tell him i love him. 

C- I intend to. And yeah i will. Goodluck with that. It was nice meeting you. 

B- You to. Bye.

C- Okay, are you still there Ash? 

A- i am. 

C- Im gonna get dressed. Then can you come pick me up?

A- Anything for you love.

C- Ill call you. 

A- Okay, i love you. 

C- I love you to .

Falling slowly then all at once ( 5SOS & Ashton Irwin )Where stories live. Discover now