II : Perplexity

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I am dead, am I?

I'm not living or dying but falling.

I feel like a wave of the ocean passing through my body but I keep falling.

Where will I fall through?

Is this the end of my existence?


Who is that?


That voice tugged my body up


I'm rising


I see light until...

"Y/N!!!!!", as my eyes opened and I'm in a place. I don't know what this is. Is this heaven? Why does it so hot in here? I can hear people.

Wait? What am I wearing? Where am I?
I'm alive. Yes! I'm not dead. Fuck you world but why I'm in here? In an old storage area, why it's so loud in here?

"Y/N, Where are you?" I heard a voice. Who is that calling me? I need to get up.

"Where in the hell in Korea am I?" I mumble to myself. I need to think about what happened to me that night. I was going to work that when I saw a cat passing through. I almost got hit by a car by getting the cat but when I turn back I saw a light going towards and...

"Shit, I should've been in the hospital now" I'm sure I got hit by a truck but then why I am here and wearing some kinda rugged clothes. I stand up and stretched my body. I was startled because the name is being called but I heard it on the other side of the door.

"Y/N, are you sleeping in there again? You know the owner is prohibiting you to sleep there. I know you're homeless but he knows that you have been eating the bread there" I lean to the door. It swung open which led to my face. That hurt a lot. I was backed up and I saw a silhouette of a woman. I can't see her face because it was against the light.

"Y/N, here again? You know the owner had been in and out for me. Get up there, we need to work", I get up. Dusting up my clothes

"I'm sorry but do I know you? You must be getting wrong here. I don't even know where I am?", I was scratching my head, and all of a sudden she hit me with a basket.

"Y/N, have you been drinking? Who said that you are not you or you are just slacking", I don't know what she knows what she saying and I'm getting pissed.

"Hey miss, don't hit me like that, I don't even know you" I got closer to her and see her closely. She is a short woman whose wearing a traditional dress. She's the about same age as me but she can throw a hit.

"Ya! Y/N, you can't escape with this work, what do you mean you don't know me? You still owe me the money"

"Look miss, you seem nice but believe I don't remember you or anything. I only remember that I was almost by a truck saving a cat and then boom, I'm here. And FYI, I don't even know your name. Can you tell me what event is this and what these clothes are" she was just silent until she grabbed me and came near to my face?

"F/N, be clear to me, are you snorting oregano? I know that you are depressed but please don't snort stuff. It messes up your mind"

"Believe me miss, I don't do drugs, and can you just tell where I am so I can go home", she was showing a concerned face earlier.

I Am Dead, Am I? (HWARANG X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now