"Yup. I was Susie. Mikey and Quinn were Phil and Lil, Maddie was Dil, Mal was Kimi, Joanna was Angelica and Marc was Spike."

"Your cousin, Joanna? She was mean and hateful towards you?"

"All our lives!"

"Wow. How was your brother like Spike? That's the dog, right?"

"Yeah. He would always come save us because he was also like Lou, the grandpa. He was supposed to watch us but he never did so he'd always have to come find us."

Tina laughed. "Aww! He was your white knight!"

"He was a mess! He know he shoulda watched us!"

Tina kept laughing. "Did Quinn and Mike eat bugs and worms?"

"No. And they didn't like to get dirty either. They just went along with whatever Marcy said."

"How was Maddie like Dil? Just because she was the baby?"

"Yeah and she was a loud one. A real crier. Temperamental baby."

Tina laughed. "Can you remember her as a baby well?"

"Yes, I can. I remember from the time Mrs. C was pregnant until yesterday."

"What's your best Maddie memory?"

Mercedes had to think about it. It finally came to her but she realized something... "I can't tell you."

"Why not?" Tina had a pout to her tone.

"It was during the unmentionable times."

"Unmentionable times?"

"Remember last week when Quinn told about Italy thirteen years ago? We can't talk about that."

"Come on. You can tell me."

"No, I can't. It's a secret."

"I'm going to get your secrets out of you yet!"

Mercedes laughed. "So how has glee been?"

"Not as fun without you guys. We just sing different songs and talk about you. We've been trying to see all the signs we missed."

"You didn't miss much. We left no clues."

"No, you left some. Like whenever I would complain about the salads Mrs. Chang makes, you would always calm me down. I hate chicken feet!"

"Marcy does, too." Mercedes chuckled. "She says there's no meat on them and she doesn't want to pick her teeth with nobody's toes."

"That's even grosser than I was thinking!" Tina made retching sounds.

Mercedes laughed. "She has a way with words."

"Yuck! Anyway, inviting Quinn to stay with you makes more sense."


"You were helping out your sister. Not some random stranger."

"I would have helped her if she were a random stranger."

"You're too nice. I'd be scared a random stranger would kill me in my sleep."

Mercedes fell into peals of giggles and put her feet higher onto the wall in order to get more comfortable. "Quinn wouldn't hurt anybody."

"There were times I thought she was going to hurt Rachel."

"Me too. Rachel tested her patience and control."

"Isn't that true for all of us?"

Mercedes giggled again. "She can work a nerve."

"Have you talked to her or Kurt?"

And I'd Do It AgainWhere stories live. Discover now