Love is for Suckas Part II

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Marc closed his bedroom door and went to grab his phone. He dialed Mike's number. "Hey? They're all here."

"What?" Mike was confused.

"Laura, Mercy, Quinn and Marcy. They're all here. I guess Laura and Quinn stayed the night."

"I'll grab Puck and Mal. We'll be right over." Mike hung up.

Marc went to shower, stalling as much as possible. Then he went downstairs. He walked into the kitchen to see his mother finishing up. "Morning, Ma."

"I thought you slept through breakfast." Rose took her dishes to the dishwasher. "There's food left over so just make yourself a plate. I have to go."

He watched as she flitted out and took a seat at the table. He looked at the people there. Mally and Mickey were eating happily as Laura, Mercedes, Quinn and Marcy talked amongst themselves.

"Are you still in a mood or can we say good morning?" Marcy asked.

He narrowed his eyes.

"Mood it is." She rolled hers.

"Marc, what's wrong?" Mercedes had to know. "You've been acting weird."

"I'm fine." He bit off.

Laura rolled her eyes. "Men."

He glared at her.

Quinn pursed her lips. "So Marce, are we going to get to hang out with Pierre today?"

"If you want. He's never been to America before so I've taken him to a couple museums but I want him to experience the full American dream." Marcy finished eating and sipped her coffee.

"Take him to the mall." Laura suggested.

The girls giggled.

The front door opened and Mike, Puck and Mal walked in the kitchen.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Mercedes was happy to see them.

Mike was tense as she brushed her lips against his and wrapped her arms around his middle. "We came to see you."

"That's nice." Quinn waved Puck over. "Are you hungry?"

Puck declined. Which set off several bells in the girls' heads.

Mal avoided Marcy as he kissed his children hello.

"Okay, what is your guys' deal? You've been wonky for two days. Is there a gas leak somewhere?" Marcy asked.

"Can we talk?" Mike looked down at Mercedes, who had been wondering why he didn't return her hug.

"Sure." She stammered.

He took her hand and led her to the stairs, where he sat down. She sat next to him. He looked at his hands. He didn't know how to start.

Unknown to them, the others had gathered nearby.

"Mikey, what's wrong?" She took his left hand in her own.

He looked at their entwined hands and took a deep breath. "Do I give you what you need?"


"Am I not enough for you?" He went on.

"Of course you are. Where is this coming from?" She had a bad feeling about this.

"Who is Aaron?"

Her heart stopped. "What?"

"Who is Aaron?" He looked her in the eye.

"How- how do you know about him?"

"Do you love him?"

"No!" Panic had her rising.

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