In the Beginning

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"What was that, Chang?!" Mercedes Jones pursed her lips at the smoking hot man.

Mike Chang shrugged as if he had invented the signature give-zero-ducks gesture or made it more famous than ‪Kanye West‬. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know what I'm talking about!" She pointed a finger at him suspiciously. "That ass tap!"

He simply looked at her.

She rolled her eyes before her expression softened. "So how'd it feel to see her again?"

"About as good as it did to see Sam." He replied not unkindly.

She leaned against a wall. "Do you think it's a mistake helping out on the play?"

He gazed down the hall, unblinkingly. "Maybe. But we gave our word. Artie needs us. Finn needs us."

She nodded. "I wonder what's up with him."

He looked at her. "I don't know. We're not as close as we used to be."

"I know the feeling."

"Quinn's just getting settled in Connecticut. Once she gets her bearings, you'll be golden." Mike swore softly.

Mercedes smiled. "That's sweet but I'm not talking about her. We talk on the phone once a week. We're both still getting used to not being in Lima."

He cocked his head in confusion. "Who then? Santana? I know you grew close last year."

"Actually we grew close after we fought about Puck." She admitted. "After the duets competition, it was just cemented."

"Really?" He looked shocked.

"Yup. She calls me more than Quinn! Not as much as you..."

"Hey I need my Mercy time!" He defended.

"You're worse than Puck!" She laughed. "He says he needs to squeeze me for good luck every morning before he takes his shower."

Mike knew damn well what the Jew was up to but kept his mouth shut. She would only freak out and be uncomfortable around the man after.

"Anyway. I'm talking about Kurt."

His eyes softened. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." She took a page from his book and shrugged nonchantantly. "I figure we only had a season. It was a good run but why hold onto the past?"

"Am I your past?" He really wished he didn't ask that.

She snorted and slapped his shoulder. "Please! You, Quinn and Santana will be fighting over who gets to be my maid-of-honor. Or in your case, man-of-honor."

He grinned. "Good."


"I'm so freaking bored!" Mercedes moaned into her phone.

Santana Lopez laughed. "Then go out, Chica!"

"I can't!" Mercedes pouted. "Midterms are tomorrow! I wish I didn't have so many back-to-back. I feel like maybe I took on too much."

"You wanted to do something worthwhile." Santana sang. It was something they did before a test. Moan and gripe about their academic load and mock each other for their dedication.

"How is being a doctor worthwhile?!" Mercedes wailed. That sounded stupid, even to her and Santana called her on it.

"Ask that of everyone who's ever been to the hospital."

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