Dance Party

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Mercedes took her phone out of her pocket as it vibrated. She took a covert peek at the incoming message then gasped. It was from her cousin, Jessica Allen.

Mike bumped her shoulder. His eyes clearly asked why she'd gasped.

She touched his pocket where his phone rested. It vibrated.

His eyebrows shot up. Magic? He mouthed.

She smirked. No.

He fished his phone out of his pocket and read the incoming text. His eye twitched. He knew no good could come from this.

Mercedes slyly texted something back to Jessie. She didn't want to have to explain her relationship with Mike to anyone else.

Quinn leaned over and whispered, "I just got a text from Jessie."

"Us too." Mercedes whispered back.

"Who else sees this as bad?"

"Like I said, Momma will not be having a good visit."

They sat forward and paid attention again. It only lasted for seconds because Jessie kept texting them details on the situation. Then a bombshell came through as class was almost over.

Quinn's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She gasped and stood up. "No way!"

The entire class looked at her strangely. Mr. Shue looked at her in concern. "Are you okay, Quinn? Do you need something?"

Quinn blinked as she tried to process the information she'd just received and lie at the same time. "I just got an alert on a big shoe sale. See?" She shoved the phone in Mercedes' face.

Mercedes was wondering if her sister had finally lost it when she read what the text said. "Holy crap!"

"Must be a good sale." Mr. Shue blinked. "Well we're almost done here. You'll be able to make your sale."

"Okay." Quinn sat down and tried to calm down.

Mercedes tried to un-widen her eyes but feared they were stuck.

"All that over a shoe sale?" Mike didn't buy it.

"It's the two of them." Puck snorted.

Mercedes leaned around Quinn and hit his arm.

He grinned. "Shoe addict."

"We really should go shopping after this." She told Quinn. "We went this morning."

"Who's we? I've been stuck with the Ice Queen." Quinn rolled her eyes.

"It's not like you were alone with her." Mike taunted.

"Shut up."

"Don't you love your sister?"

"Better than you."

"I'm telling her you said that."

"She won't believe you."

"Yes, she will. You're the liar, not me."

Quinn turned to look at him darkly as Puck held his breath to keep from laughing and Mercedes' jaw dropped. "What did you just say?"

"Okay. You can leave now." Mr. Shue told the room. "Go home and practice."

Mike popped up but Quinn caught his arm. "Oh no, you don't!"

Tina raised an eyebrow. "Why are you mad at Mike?"

"How do you know she's mad?" Mike swung his arm but Quinn had a good grip.

"Because she has a specific mad face."

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