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My days were long and boring. It was the same old routine every day. I woke up at 7 AM I kissed Trent goodbye, cleaned or watched T.V. made dinner, ate in silence, and went to bed it was all very boring. After two weeks, I had finally spoken up.

We were eating dinner again in silence. I had repeated what I was going to say all day in my head. It took me most of the dinner to build up the courage to talk to him; I was still very wary.

"I'm very bored when you aren't at home," Trent straightened up and looked at me. His green eyes studied me for a moment.

"What do you want?" He sounded amazingly calm, but I could tell he was a bit weary.

"I don't know, maybe some books or like puzzles," I shrugged, I was childish I know, but I couldn't think of anything other than a job, and I knew very well, Trent wouldn't have approved.

"I guess I could take you into the city tonight," he turned back to his meal. Relief swelled in my chest, I was going to leave the house! I hadn't left the house except for the rare walks outside.

I anxiously waited in the living room for Trent to be done changing. I had made sure to clean up as quick as humanly possible knowing that Trent didn't want to be long. He obviously liked staying home when he could.

Trent came down in a pair of jeans and a grey sweater. Even in casual clothes, he looked attractive. He shoved on a pair of beat-up converse before he looked at me. Like the idiot I was, I had already had my shoes and coat on. I probably looked ridiculous to him.

Outside Trent held open the car door for me and helped me get in. Once I was in and buckled, he closed the door. He was on his side and in the car within a few seconds.

Our drive to the city was silent except for the heat blasting. The radio was off, and we never spoke. I didn't dare touch anything in his car. I would have froze before I touched the heat, so I let him control the temperature, and since he didn't put on any music, we didn't have any.

The city was very clean, it was filled with stores and little shops, in the distance, I spotted a large building that looked like the one my Alpha owned back home, it was Trent's office.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Trent stepped out of the car. I didn't even get a chance to open it before he was there and helping me out. We were parked in front of a large bookstore.

The cold air nipped at the skin on my face as I stared at the books in the window. I loved to read, seeing all the newest books in that window made me feel like I just spotted a really hot male. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Trent grabbed my hand and started to lead me to the front door.

The door jingled to signal to the owner that we had arrived. A few people peeked their heads out from behind a few shelves, they all lowered their heads in submission when they saw Trent.

"Go pick out a few books you like," he unraveled his hand from mine and placed it on my mid-back to give me a little shove towards the books. I gave him a quick smile before I walked away to find my favourite section: the classics.

The shelf was quite tall and fairly wide, the smell of brand new books filled my nose. The smell of new books made my heart flutter. My fingers instinctively brushed against the spines of the books, my eyes glanced over the titles until I spotted one of my favourites: Moby Dick. It was a book that my mother had read to me on and off throughout my childhood, even though my small mind didn't understand a lot of what she was saying, the sweet lull of her voice drove me to sleep with it. I grabbed the book and placed it in the crook of my other arm. I felt Trent's presence close behind me the entire time, I really didn't mind it, but at the same time, it felt awkward to be followed in my favourite place.

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