(Chapter 5) Partners In Crime

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    "We work together," Double says as he passes me a Dr. Pepper. I stare at him in bewilderment.

    "Like partners in crime?" He nods.

     "You could say that yes." Fox takes a seat in front of the many computers and starts furiously typing.

I take a minute to process all of this. Two of the world's most famous Superheroes are working with a Supervillain. Okay, that means they are also villains too. I mean they must be evil too right? Or what if Fox and Golden tricked him into thinking that they are turning evil to see what Double wants to destroy with his powers.

    "Wow this girl has running thoughts," Golden takes a seat next to me on the couch. Whoa he can read minds?

    Yes I can. I can also talk to you in your head.

I let out a small scream, kicking Double in the chest.

    "Stop moving princess," Comes Double's reply as he grabs a hold of my legs.

    "He can read minds!" I say out loud this time.

    "Yeah, I know. We never get privacy anymore," Fox pitches in. Fox goes quiet for a second while Golden's eyes glaze over.

    "YOU PERVERT!" Fox roars. Her light red hair becomes a fire orange, slightly floating in air. Golden's eyes un glaze over and shrinks into the couch. SS quickly teleports over to Fox and tries to calm her down, my knee forgotten.

    "'Why the hell would you try stirring up the girl who can easily beat your ass?!" Double's eyes narrow at Golden as he fights innocence. 

    "Language," I whisper out but it seems he heard me because he turns to look at me with that same glare. I shut up.

Golden's eyes glaze over yet again and so do Double S's eyes. Fox looks over at the boys then rolls her eyes, going back to whatever she was doing on the computer. When I hear SS groan, I know they stopped talking.

    "Wait so your eyes get like frosty when he talks to you?" I ask nobody in particular.

    "You catch on quick sweetheart." Fox growls at Golden.

    "Okay wait," I say, catching everyone's attention. "I have so many questions."

    "Fire away Hope." Double pipes in a he goes back to work on my knee.

    "How did I get here exactly?" I start off.

    "Easy one." Fox takes the question, "Double probably teleported you here." He grunts as yes.

    "Okay next question. You mentioned Shadow. Whose Shadow? Is he a villain or a hero?" Golden snorts at this.

    "He's the guy fixing your knee," I glance at Double before speaking.

    "Wait your name is Shadow?" He stops what he's doing and yet again glares at Golden. "Like your actual name?" He shakes his head.

    "No, it's not my actual name. Point of a Supers job is to keep their identity a secret. Double S is my villain name. On my suit there is two S's. One of the S's stand for Shadow so that's what they call me." He thinks for a second, "Oh and don't tell anyone that."

    "Wait so what does the other S stand for?"

    "He won't tell us," Fox joins in.

I look over to where Double- I mean Shadow is now wrapping my knee is gauze. His eyes focused on fixing my knee. Is this guy even a villain? I study his face slightly more. His hair is still hidden in his hood so I can't see the color but wow that jawline.

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