"If you didn't didn't is disappear, I would most likely won't think you were the serial killer that the news were talking about!" I exclaimed,  anger taking over now. He looked taken aback but still kept a small on his face as if it were funny. He chuckled.

"The serial killer? That's on the Western Part of the city... You don't need to worry about that now. You're in the southern part of the city. " I narrowed an eyebrow.

"Right..." I said as I slowly started to walk past him but he trapped me with both of his arms now as I shrank back to my position. "Dude! I need to get home!" I told him. He's smile widened.

"May I first ask what your name is~?" He grinned down at me as my face slowly turned a light shade of red.

"Y/n S/n." I muttered under my breath. I felt him lean close again towards me.

"Didn't quite get that, love. May you repeat that~?" I swear to God, he's gonna damn rape me or some sort. I thought. I repeated my name once again and slid past him. This time, he didn't stop me and instead, watched me run home without asking him his name nor a goodbye. Though all I heard left of him was a chuckle.

When I arrived home, I sighed as I closed the door.

"The bitch is here! Finally!" I heard my sister yell. I clenched my teeth together. I was always tired of that name as I grew older.

"Oh, look it's the slut. Lookin' for more guys to sleep with tonight?" I shouted back to her. At that instant reply, I heard footsteps run down the stairs. She stood there, anger written all over her face.

"What did you call me, you whore?!" She thundered, giving me a death glare. I knew our parents weren't home since this was my time to take my revenge on her then on them.

"I called you a slut. Isn't that a reasonable nickname for you, my dear sister?" I told her, smirking. She then came walking to me and stood in front of my face, inches away from mine.

"If you think you're so tough, Y/n. I would like to see you try, bitch! You know paps and ma will believe me!" At that moment, I felt my blood boil as she slapped me across the face. I fell but it didn't hurt as much as getting scared by the damn hunter who had almost gotten me raped.

"A slap?" I questioned her. "That's all?" I got up and walked towards the kitchen, her following behind me. "Damn, Jackie. If only your friends knew what you do to your younger sibling..." I went to search for something rather... sharp. Jackie watched me as I went through the cupboards and draws.

"What are you looking for in the kitchen, bitch?" I heard her say. I smirked, evilly once I found what I was looking for. I faced her with the item in my hand, running my index finger along it on its sharp surface.

"Well... I always knew that you were a bitch." I told her as I looked up only to see fear show in her blue eyes.

"What-why do you have a knife?!" She shouted at me, backing away slowly. I walked forwards to her slowly.

"You seriously don't know how long I've waited to do this... but... it is wrong indeed, Jackie..." I sighed. "Well... it seems... right in a way... you get it?" I said as I saw her bump into a wall. I smiled evilly and stopped in front of her.

"I may be scared of dying but I sure would rather kill my sister than to let her harass me for life." Jackie at this point was breathing heavily and she was almost sobbing.

"Please, Y/n! I-... I will do anything! Anything! Please! Just don't kill me!" She begged. How can I kill someone innocent as her? I can't... I can't even murder... But hopefully she knows nothing of this...

"Fine." I finally said, putting the knife down onto the counter close to us. "I'll leave you be, but," I turned to her. "I don't want you to say anything to mother and father of this. If you do, it will happen..." I turned my back but before I left, I smiled. "Perhaps, at night when you're sleeping. But please. Stop harassing me." I left her standing there, gasping for breath in relief. I think I might almost just gave her a panic attack. Damn. Now I know how to scare the shit out of her. And if she does continue to harass her, I will pretend to kill her...

The Hazbin HotelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang