Memory 6

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It was now the day I go back to college... yet my sister could plan her 'so called murder on me' any time when I am gone... I quickly got my video recording cameras and before leaving, I left one in the kitchen, hidden. I rushed there quickly, not taking my time in case I see Alastor again. I had to tell Jay. She's the only one I really trust... and maybe Alastor... but I am still unsure of him, despite the fact him smiling all the time is kinda freaky.

I got there around 8 and waited in the cafeteria where I know Jay being hungry all the time will most likely cross by. I sat on a table by myself and took out a notebook for me to write my plans. I couldn't let my sister take revenge on me just because I picked up a knife and held it at her for the first time. Nothing in my head came whatsoever and I knew my sister and her friend Ashley would probably be planning it right this moment. Ashley had stayed over as well last night, keeping Jackie company since she was afraid that I would kill her at night. I hadn't bothered to listen anymore to their conversations when they closed the door on me. I knew what was up and I am fed up of being abused or even accused of things I have never did. What was worse was the fact that our parents would believe her. But if I go to jail... what will I do there? Eat some weird ass stuff and stay with the people who did crimes? Heck no! I won't be able to see Jay anymore ethier... or Alastor in that matter...

"Aye! Y/n! You ok?" I quickly looked up and saw Jay standing over me with a cookie in one hand. "You were staring at your notebook and I actually thought you were planning on summoning a demonstration or some sort." Jay joked as I packed my stuff away and stood up.

"Heh. No. Not exactly." I answered her ads we head out of the yard.

"Then, tell me." She took a bite of her cookie before continuing with a mouth full. "Why were you staring at the paper? I know it's not likely for you to do that." I sighed.

"Jay. I gotta tell you something super serious." I warned as we sat outside on a bench. I looked at Jay as she looked at me whilst eating her almost finished cookie now. "I've done something so bad..."

"What? What did you do?" She asked, worry in her voice. I looked away and started to tell her how my sister has been abusing me every since born along with my parents to when she is now planning to escalate that to thinking I murdered someone to the police. Jay didn't say anything for a couple of seconds when I finished.

"... you cannot be serious...?" She muttered then more clearly said, "Who the hell does she think she is to do that to you?!" Jay shouted, standing up in pure fury.

"Jay. I need your help. What should I do?" I asked, still concerned about myself. Jay turned to me with a serious expression.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. But I don't know what to do but if the police has the final decision to blame you. I'll stand up for you and deny it all." She told me as she hugged me tightly. I hugged her back letting her go after a couple of seconds.

"Thank you, Jay." I said, smiling. "Oh also!" I brightened up. "Guess what?!"

Jay laughed fakely. "What?"

"I told Alastor about the prom thing and he quickly asked me if he could come!!" I announced, shrieking in happiness. Jay joined as we held hands, jumping up and down.

"Good! See I told you he'd wanna come!" She said. "Ya gotta wear something fancy~" I paused.

"Fancy?" I questioned, confused.

"Yeah!" Jay nodded. "So he looks into you more~." I blushed slightly as I looked away in embarrassment.

"Jay. There's no need for that. I'm sure he'll like to stay just friends.. and so do I..." I told her. Jay rolled her eyes.

"I know you like him, Y/n." She quickly said as she folded her arms. I didn't hesitate to face her, surprised.

"Excuse me?! I don't!" I felt my temperature rise up as I turned slowly red. Jay chuckled.

"Look at you! You're turning red as a tomato. Don't lie to me, Y/n" Jay said, laughing. I tried to speak but kept my mouth shut. She laughed more, seeing my expression.

"Anyways. Tomorrow is the prom date." Jay said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Thought it was two days?" Jay shook her head.

"I double checked and it's tomorrow. So you might have to tell your boyfriend it's tomorrow."

"Aye! He ain't my boyfriend!" I protested, blushing once more. Jay smirked.

"Maybe not now... but later on.. just like me and Sam" she sighed dreamily. I rolled my eyes as I heard the bell.

"Let's go, day dreamer." I said to Jay as I grabbed her hand and rushed to registration, her still in dreamland.

The Hazbin HotelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora